
Angered Texas Resident Flies Suicide Flight into IRS Offices

This is going to be a signicant event for liberty backers. It will give the statist politicians and their media acolytes the fodder they want to broad-brush the Tea Party movement as well as those who are even more principled in their opposition to the federal and state governments' shocking encroachments on individual liberty.

Admin. Floats Idea of Seizing 401(K) Savings - Making Them Like Social Insecurity

Big praise to Inestors Business Daily for getting on this!

Incredible. These people really have no shame. Shame would entail some sort of recognition that taking the earnings of others is BAD, and they seem incapable of this simple act. Mosts politicians are not just bereft of morals, not just amoral; they are immoral, anti-moral. They actively work against human progress and well-being, they actually favor theft while convincing themselves that such predation is moral. Amazing.

Be Seeing You!

More Insanity from the Unconstitutional TSA

When will people begin to question this federal takeover of security at airports?

TSA agents have already forced a woman to remove nipple rings, stolen all sorts of loot, felt up people, and allowed all sorts of weapons to pass through their 'security' check points.

Can we possibly look for a different paradigm? Say, oh, the private market?

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IMF and Nations Working for Global Bank Levy!

Very bad news. Seems people like Gordon Brown have been "inspired" by Barack Obama's announcement that he wants to apply a "financial responsibility fee" (crazy, but we call it a TAX, otherwise known as THEFT) to banks to "pay for the bailouts". Of course, we were told that the bailouts were "good investments" by numbskulls like NH Senator Juddy Gregg, but that's more than a day old, so who remembers such stupid things, right?

Here's the newest wrinkle in the ugly face of the state, or in this case, the ugly face of international plunder:

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Louisiana High School Student Sent Home for Wearing... A Colts Jersey!

Another heroic tale in the great tradition of "take someone's tax money and run a crappy system of 'indoctrination' that caters to the lowest common denominator."

Homer would be proud, wouldn't he?

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12 yr Old Child ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED, for Doodling on School Desk!

File this under: "But we can't think of any other option! Gubment school is so gooooooood!"

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Gubment at It's Dumbest: Australian Govt. Bans Small-Busted Women from Porn


Yep. The politicians think that the small-chested women might be employed to mimic kiddie porn, so... There ya go.

Of course, one can only suspect that the new rule was pushed by the makers of silicone implants, but what do we know?

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Men at Work Get Screwed by Aussie Copyright Judge

This is a story Gard and Furb discussed in one of their recent productions on copyright and freedom.

In this case, the judge claims that the FLUTE section of the song is too smiliar to a 100 year old song that's pretty much akin to "Happy Birthday" in its ubiquitous popularity in the country. Everyone knows it and uses it. It's taught to kids from their earliest years.

This is crazy. Copyright and government, a bad combination. The lead singer/songwriter of the band, Colin Hay, is a remarkably talented guy. He's being screwed by the OZ gubment.

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"Conservative" Senator Wants Fed Regulation of College Championships

Yeah, you guessed it -- Orrin Hatch. The same guy who brought us the unconstitutional Kiddiecare and the Health Insurance "Privacy" Act...

When are people like this guy going ot RETIRE and enjoy a life of leaving their neighbors alone?

Funny thing is that this guy is still appearing on TV as a supposed bulwark against the tyranny of Obamacare, when HE helped institute major portions of the socialist agenda AND he continues to thirst for pushing other people around.

Go back to Utah, Orrin.

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WSJ on Obama's "Spending Freeze" -- Some Interesting Numbers to Remember

As mentioned in the latest Conspiracy Audio production, the so-called spending freeze is bogus.


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'Previously Owned Home' Sales Drop Is Biggest in 40 Yrs

But ABC News kept telling us that the economy was recovering! And there were all those bailouts and all the TARP cash, and people said "Yes we can", and Ben Bernanke needs to be reinstated in his dirty throne, and...

Hmmm... Maybe there's a different way. It might have something to do with liberty and individual choice in competitive markets.

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Feds Shut Down/Take Over More Banks

First, the fact that anyone in the federal gubment thinks that this is a valid thing for it to do is astounding. Second, the idea that people think the economic troubles are all the fault of "unscrupulous bankers and investors" is insane. A systemic promotion of risky loans, based on worthless money and bad gubment policy to "promote the ownership society" is what causes this kind of failure. The Austrian economists wrote abotu it decades ago and still the pop media and modern politicians don't grasp it.

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More Climate Change "Mistakes" Exposed

Of course, free market promoters have been talking about these mistakes for years, but it takes the pop media a loooong time to discover it all.

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Bernanke Not a Shoo-in for Continuing at Fed -- But, Sadly, and Obviously, the Fed Will Continue

If there's any more arrogant person who deserves to be taken away from this destructive entity with a monopoly on the issuance of bogus currency, we have yet to find him.

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Leftists to Adjust Medical Fascism Bill -- "Reduce It" to "Only" Guaranteed Issue Mandates

As we have predicted for almost a year, the promoters of medical fascism will "compromise" with "moderates" on the medical fascism bill. Now that Scott Brown has won the MA Senate seat, the lefties will need to "adjust" their bills in the House and Senate in order to get sufficient votes in favor. So what will they do? Yeah, you got it, they will keep as the centerpiece the requirement that insurance companies in the US MUST accept people with preexisting conditions. As we have said, this is the key to their attempt to destroy the private health insurance market. It will cause an upward price spiral that will get more and more Americans upset with what they will see as "rising health insurance costs", and get them blaming the private companies.

Libertarian Claims that Minimum Wage Laws Destroy Jobs, THEORETICAL? Ask the Samoans...

As this video explains, the imposition of US minumum wage laws has devastated the Samoan job landscape. Employers are leaving to find workers elsewhere so that they can remain competitive for consumer business.

A link to share with friends and political adversaries, especially those in political office.

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A Great Piece from FEE on Haiti and the Fallacy of the Broken Window!

Take a look, and think about spreading the word to others. This kind of economic writing is important for more people to grasp! Great piece!

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