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Time to Get Il!
... As the Beasties said, "it's time to get ill!" Just check out our sound files to hear a bit of their "schizophrenic verse words".
That was 1984. Today, it's Kim Jong Il, and it's time to get a bit of information on everyone who messed up the "negotiations" to stop Il and his dedicated staff from making "nucular" weapons.
All week, the talk news programs featured politicians from the Republican and Democrat parties blaming each other for the apparent reality that North Korea had tested a "nucular" weapon, as president Bush might say.
Well, since Il did not test a "nucular" weapon, and may not have tested a nuclear weapon, perhaps some people in America view this debate as academic. It is not.
Religious Controversy Coming, Author Robert Spencer to Appear Oct. 12, on ATG!
Thursday, October 12, Gardner Goldsmith will engage in conversation Robert Spencer, the author of the new book "The Truth about Muhammed: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion". This will begin at 12:15. We hope all conspirators with an interest in religion, politics, and freedom will listen. This is particularly true for Muslims, who may want to challenge Mr. Spencer's assertions.
Devote Extra Attention: Congress/Senate Move to Selectively Suspend Writ of Habeas Corpus
The US Congress this week set forward something unprecedented: the selective suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus for so-called "enemy combatants". This ambiguous term has been applied, and may be applied once more, to American citizens.
Not since Abraham Lincoln (hero? no) tried to suspend the previlege of a Habeas Corpus hearing has the United States seen a more flagrant breech of civil liberties. It all stems from the Bush Adminstration's attempt to capture, hold, and try people (both foreigners and US citizens) in a manner which is not consistent with Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are Signatory Powers to the Converntions, and as such, even the non-uniformed fighters in their territories must be afforded the protection of the Conventions. Either the Adminstration and Congress recognize that they should try terrorists as they have tried terrorists in the past -- under US criminal codes -- or they must declare WAR, a term of art which is the only means by which the us military may be properly used according to the Constitution.
New Interrogation, Clinton, Wallace, and Grommit...
The Bush Administration has told us for over a year that its "detainees" were being treated according to the Geneva Conventions.
If so, then why, when the Supreme Court found that Bush had to either prosecute them under US Criminal Codes or try them as prisoners of war, did Bush then say that such a ruling would not allow them to interrogate the prisoners the way they had, and they would be unable to get the vital information they had been getting in order to save American lives?
See our audio files for more on it, and listen to Senator Bill "RINO" Frist try to explain why he cannot give details of the interrogation agreement which was sold to us as an agreement on details!
Chavez to thank Charlie Bass for his Wealth? Plus, Ed Funding in NH, and Michelle's Law Goes National
To begin this week, the Conspiracy hosts sound files concerning the Londonderry Education Ruling and the constitutional amendments proposed, Hugo Chavez and Mahmud Amadenajad at the UN, Michele's (really bad) Law going to Washington, and something for music lovers.
Soon, look for the "Against the Grain" interviews with Tony Blankley, Chuck Douglas, and more with Debbie Schlussel, as Gardner Goldsmith investigates the mid-east turmoil, America's role, and just what New Hampshire citizens can to to stop the Supreme Court AND state legislature from meddling in local education affairs.
The Growth of the Conspiracy
Over the past two weeks, members of the Conspiracy have waited patiently and have offered encouraging words for the expansion of the organization.
This week, another piece has been added. Our sound files/podcasts are ready for fast access on the site. Look now for the conversation between Gardner Goldsmith and ABC's John Stossell, coverage of the unacceptable NH Surpeme Court Ruling in the Londerry Education suit -- something that must be understood by NH citizens and those outside the state -- and information about the September 11, 2001 attacks.
As the members of the Conspiracy contin
Debbie Does Politics - Debbie Schlussel - Conservative, Smart, Outspoken
Debbie Schlussel, a long-time friend of Gardner Goldsmith, is known around the world for her courage and intelligence. Her conservative views have been featured on "Real Time with Bill Mahar", MSNBC, and Fox News. Her writing has been featured on "The Rush Limbaugh Show", "The Sean Hannady Show", and many others, and has been printed in many languages in numerous countries.
She was one of the first to sound the alarm about Islamic terrorism, and has gone undercover to reveal information many news agencies have not bothered to try to find.
She and Gard agree on many subjects, disagree on a few, and respect one another a great deal.
Federal Judge Rules Bush Administration's Warrentless Wiretaps Unconstitutional
Federal District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled today that the NSA "Foreign Surveillance Program" (so described by the Bush Administration and Atty Gen Alberto Gonzales) which spied not only on foreigners but also on American citizens without proper warrents, violates the right of free speech and privacy, and breaks the separation of powers between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch.
The Bush Administration argues that in order to prove that the program is well within the Presiden't authority, it would have to reveal state secrets. Cute, huh?
Alberto Gonzales announced today that the Bush Administration will appeal. Shocker!
Naz - An Example of a UK Muslim Man's Thoughts on Terror
As the conversation regarding the Heathrow bomb plot unfolded, Naz offered his perspective on the future.
More, with Ian, Naz, and Gard, on the 'War on Terror'
Continuing the discussion on the potential future we may be facing.
'Against the Grain' and 'Free Talk Live' Look at the London Bomb Plot and Air Security
On Friday, August 11, Gard and Ian Bernard took on the Heathrow Bomb Plot, and were joined by Ahmed Niazi, of London. They opened up the conversation to a wider perspective.
Key Points to Remember When Considering Air Security, Chertoff, and 'Liquid Explosive Devices'. Highly Recommended.
As El G continued to look at the issue of air travel and the paradigm of government "security", there were a few very important, salient points that needed to be stressed.
This segment, broadcast on Friday, 8-11-06, begins to spell out what many in the pop media would also eventually begin to cover.
We hope you find it worthwhile.
There will be more coming up. This is a very important time to be well-versed on the topics, and to know thine enemy. Sometimes the enemy is not just the terrorist who might want to destroy you, but also the bureaucrat who takes it onto himself to "protect y
On US Air Security and Michael Chertoff, Immediately After London Bomb Plot
The Conspiracy audio posts to follow will chronicle the analysis of Michael Chertoff's comments immediately following the announcement that UK intel officials had arrested 24 suspects allegedly involved in a plot to kill thousands on trans-Atlantic flights.
This analysis is strictly based on Chertoff's comments, the facts that belie his comments, economics, and the US Constitution.
Mr. Chertoff is a dangerous political functonary. His position is wasteful, and he needs to resign.
Post-Heathrow Bomb Arrests, Homeland Security Sec Chertoff Claims Skies Are 'Safe', and Takes Credit for UK Intel
As mentioned in the previous article, soon after the announcement of the arrests of 24 people in the UK for suspicion of being involved in a terror plot to kill thousands of people on international flights, US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told reporters and the world that the skies were safe for air travel. This was, of course, absurd, belied by the fact that the terror threat was at its highest for international flights, and just below that for domestic flights. Mr. Chertoff has had plenty of time to try to protect people from liquid explosives, yet offered empty excuses about "modalities" and the difficulty of anticipating threats.
Post-Heathrow Bomb Arrests, Homeland Security Sec Chertoff Claims Skies Are 'Safe', and Tries to Take Credit for UK Intel!
Obviously, this story is huge. The arrests, the plot, so-called security at US airports... We have much more coming to you tomorrow, including numerous sound files from "Against the Grain", from Friday's program, in which it was observed that the pop media were slow to pick up on something many of us already knew: LIQUID BOMBS HAVE ALREADY BEEN USED!
They are now giving it some attention.
As Gardner wrote at, it is long overdue... Read on!
From Area 603:
"It has become glaringly apparent that Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Secretary -- to whom we are evidently all supposed to be thankful for our sense of well-being -- is not up to the job.
Scotland Yard Arrests 21 on Suspicion of Airline Bomb Plot
For more information, see these stories:
Lieberman Losses, Will Run as Indep, Cynthia McKinney Has to Drop The Boxing Gloves
Lieberman may go back to his career in movies, while Cynthia may go into professional boxing.
Here is a bit on Cythnia, from Forbes online:
BREAKING NEWS - NH Committee Votes to Take Federal Cash and Accept REAL ID
As reported by Seth Cohn on 'Against the Grain', a legislative committee voted today to allow NH to "take part in" a program to impose federal requirements on states and their drivers' licenses.
The Joint Fiscal Committee voted to accept three million Dollars in federal largess for the program, much less than what it will eventually cost in money and integrity.
Seth Cohn reports on the breaking story. Thank you Seth!!
Lieberman and Lamont in the Connecticut Senate Race -- A Sign of the Times for Democrats -- With Beth Bradley, of WDRC, Hartford
Many people believe that the influence of Howard Dean will destroy the Dems. But concentrating on the Iraq "War" (no war was declared, remember), may not be political poison, if the situation in Iraq grows worse...
This convesation with Beth Bradley, news director of WDRC FM, IN Hartford delves into this story.
Many thanks to Ms. Bradley!
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