
Glenn Jacobs on Independence Day -- Great Piece, Spread the Word!

Please take a moment on this Independence Day to read Glenn Jacobs' piece on the Declaration and freedom. It is superb!


Compliments to FreedomsPhoenix and Ernie for getting this up at their site!

US Gitmo Interrogators Took Their Cues From Communist Chinese Techniques

Remember, the Bush Admin asked Congress NOT to declare war, specifically so that (they believed) they could conduct this kind of interrogation).

All while the US citizenry was being told that the people being held in Gitmo didn't need to have the evidence against them brought up in a criminal trial.


National Security Pinhead Advises: "Global Warming" Could Increase Terrorism -- Is Your Head Hurting Yet?

Thanks to the on-the-ball Stephen Smith, we can give you the latest nonsense from the statists. As Stephen says, now one rationale for expanding the state can support another piece of fascism.



American Indians and Others Fighting Fed Gubment to Keep Land From Being Taken for Border Fence

And all to fulfill unconstitutional laws that have been enacted to stop low-price labor from arriving here in the US.



FEMA Reports on Levee Safety Mislead Home Owners -- HUH? You GOTTA be Kidding!!!

Nothing like creating incentives to engage in risky ventures. Nothing like hiding real risk from people. Nothing like government.


Dems in DC Call for Nationalization of US-Based Oil Refineries, Report Reveals Torture at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib

The Dems really believe in freedom of choice, don't they?


And how about those Republicans and their claims that detainees were getting all the "protections of the Geneva Accords"?


Tom Friedman - Wow, Is This Piece Inspired by Statist Tendencies and a Lack of Economic Understanding

Holy hokey, Batman!


Nothing like setting limits for prices to mess up the market. And don't worry about the ethics of it. Tom knows best.

US Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Gitmo Prisoner "Detainees" for Habeas Corpus -- HUGE Blow to Lawless Bush Undeclared "War"

Check it out, Conspirators!


And then take a look at the argument Gardner Goldsmith made YEARS ago, when the Supreme Court originally denied hearing this case. The court later reversed its decision, and the ruling today is the result.


Lighter (But Still Serious) Fare: Fed HDTV Coupons Aren't Even Valid!

But just remember, as the government ads tell us, HDTV is so much better than broadcast television, it's been mandated!


Capn' Trade Cereal Defeated in Senate, Great Piece on Anti-economics of Housing Bailout

As many conspirators know, the Warner-Leiberman Cap and Trade bill was defeated in its new guise, a 491 page re-written bill that no one got to read anyway. The scientific rationale for both bills is about as strong as the constitutional rationale -- meaning that there isn't any rationale.

That's the good news.

Take a look at this good piece from Reason.com for more evidence that the federal bailout of mortgages is baaaad mojo, baby!


BAD NEWS - NH Senator Sununu May Vote FOR Cap and Trade Regulations

Chris Horner, or the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reports that John Sununu, Jr., may be pandering once more, possibly voting FOR a replacement "Cap and Trade" "environmental bill" that would smother productivity and do nothing to change the weather.

Check out the report, here! http://planetgore.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ODVjNjcwMDIyYjgyOWQ0M2JhMzd...

Intellectual Ammunition to Fight Against Environmental Fascism

On Monday, June 2, Gard had the opportunity to talk to Chris Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Chris' new book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" is a treasure-trove of information to help you combat the specious arguments of the emotively driven collectivists who promote more and more regulation on the free market. Chris is a big hero for freedom, and his book goes highly recommended. Check it out by hitting the Amazon link provided!

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and MisguClimate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misgu
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)
cover of The Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate ChangeThe Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate Change

One of the WORST Ideas EVER to come from DC - Federal Reinsurance! It Is Coming!

On of Gard's friends works for the largest reinsurance company in the world. This friend is also a hardcore libertarian. On Monday, Gard will discuss the HUGE-OSITY of how bad this Congressional proposal is.

Do ANY of these people even glance at fundamental economics?


cover of Economics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary EditionEconomics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary Edition

US Gubment MIGHT Allow Firearms on National Park Grounds -- Nothing Like a "Right', huh?

Last we looked, "rights" were supposed to be sacred and unlimited, natural, and/or God-given.

So, what happens when government ownership of lands lets the feds attenuate your right?

Is it still to be considered a right?


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