
Uncovered Audio From Jan, 2008: Obama Says He Will Bankrupt New Coal Power Plant Endeavors

In January of 2008, Barack Obama sat down for an interview with a San Francisco radio station, and this is a transcript of what he had to say about new coal power plants coming on line in the future:

"Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

"What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there.

Tom diLorenzo does It AGAIN! See His Excellent Piece on Obama and McCain, the "Socialist and the National Socialist"!!!


DiLorenzo has been a friend to the Liberty Conspiracy and Gard's show on numerous occasions. Look for Tom's new book, "Hamilton's Curse", at amazon.com!

Glenn Jacobs was on the ball about it. It was just released! GET IT!!! (And Gard's awesome book, too!)

cover of Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--and What It Means forHamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--and What It Means for

BLOG OF BILE - Excellent Economic and Political Analysis, the Blog of Bile! We LOVE This Site!

Anyone who studies Hoppe is high on our list of heroes. Visit this site often. It's an honor to have them as part of the conspiracy for freedom.

Free Markets, Free Minds! REASON!

Visit the famous Reason website often! Check out ReasonTV!

DC Under Dems Will Try to Nationalize 401K Savings, Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens CONVICTED! Dolphins Owner to Sell Before Obama

So, have you been looking for a way to attract the attention of friends who are more interested in touchdowns than political and philosophical ideology? How about this? The owner of the Miami Dolphins wants to sell the team before Obama is sworn in, because he knows he will have more of his well-earned cash taken by the gubment. Smart man. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/football/pro/dolphins/sfl-flspdolwayn...

Bailout Fever Sweeps the Globe! From Iceland to the UK, and Back to the US, Line Up, It's DOLE TIME!

Cue TV News "Swoosh" Sound!

The lines have already formed for the handouts in the US, from auto makers to bankers, it's Halloween time to get treats at the taxpayers' expense! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27373962

Orson Scott Card on Journalists and the "Financial Meltdown"

While the fantastic writer, Card, might not go as far as some in distancing himself from party politics, he is right on about truth in journalism, and the financial "meltdown". For those thinking of voting, take a look at his piece, which spells out the double-standard the pop media have when it comes to "scandals" for Republicans versus the wrongdoing of Dems.

Pickens "Plan" Picks up Steam - Will Nab Him Billions from Taxpayers, Bernanke Spends More on "Paper"

We have to give some props to the pop media when they actually give a degree of thought to composing a story. In this case, the issue is the so-called "Pickens Plan", and the authors of the report actually took a few moments to look into (although it's cursory, and could go even deeper) the financial interest T. Boone Pickens has in getting the CA and federal gubments to start "funding" natural gas programs.

Have Fed Gubment Penalize "Shipping Jobs Overseas"? How About "Shipment of Jobs Outta State?"

.. or better yet, how about politicians finally recognize that borders are arbitrary creations that impede the free flow of capital and labor? How about they notice that the more regulations and taxes they place on domestic business, the more inclined these business people are to move their operations to less burdensome environments?

Here is a little something Gard mentioned in his Thursday night - Friday morning cast. It's a nice way to counter people who say US businesses get "tax breaks" for shipping jobs overseas.


Becky Akers on "Unprecedented" Power Grabs by Federal Branches, from FEE!

Ms. Akers does excellent work.

Take a look at her article, cited in Gard's latest audio, currently posted at the LC!


Robert Higgs, on Pop Media Claim that Credit Is "Clogged", and Feds Need Your Tax Dollars to Play Plumber

Leave it to Robert Higgs, of the Independent Institute, and author of such epic books as "Crisis and Leviathan", to flush this canard down the supposedly clogged tubes!


Treasury to "Buy Stakes" in Private Banks

Nothing more stirring than a government constrained by its "limited powers"!


John McCain in His Own Words - Grow Government, Increase Socialism, Increase Regulation

As this piece from MSNBC illustrates, John McCain is very much in favor of continuing the anti-constitutional approach. He wants to continue regulating political speech (if only Sam Adams could hear that), while increasing regulations on energy producers and consumers. Soo, if you're a consumer or supplier and you don't like it? Try speaking out against it 60 days prior to an election.

Ahh, freedom...

Check it out, Strongbad!


Federal Judge Stops Oil Drilling in MI -- Another Example of the Bad Consequences of Breaching US Constitution

There's nothing like adding insult to injury. In the case of the energy needs of American consumers, the high prices caused by federal devaluation of the Dollar, ethanol requirements and restrictions on exploration and refining have been combined with the fact that the federal government owns land it is not supposed to own, like, oh, this parcel in Michigan...


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - "Too Big to Fail"? - Nonsense from McCain, the "Constitutional Scholar"

Wow, just when you thought they couldn't say anything DUMBER, the politicians prove ye wrong!

Check out the blather from the fascists and socialists in DC regarding the unconstitutionally created Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac! How about we let them FAIL, clear the housing and business markets they've artificially inflated, and let the market work to then utilize the worthwhile ventures in a profitable way -- a way GUBMENT has no incentive to explore!

Here's the piece! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=avnMyKESZ2qk&refer=w...

Fed Chief Fascist Bernanke Indicates Intent to Coerce market Participants MORE, Bailout MORE -- Says Taxpayers Won't Lose

As you read this, see if you can tell Mr. Bernanke about "opportunity costs". Remind him that the moment someone's money is taken from him against his will, he begins losing opportunities to utilize that liquidity in the way HE prefers, and is, instead, forced to see his cash go into ventures he would not have chosen. It's called a LOSS, Mr. Bernanke. Get it?

Jeesh. This guy is bad news, cats!


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