
Connecticut Socialist Jerk Chris Dodd to Retire

A Pyrrhic victory for those who believe in liberty and treating their neighbors in a peaceful manner. The machine he helped create continues to do it's evil work.

More tomorrow!

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Airport Body Scanners Breach UK Child Porn Laws

Gee, you think?

Insane, what government does to its subjects, isn't it?


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LA Times: Ron Paul is Relevant... Really? NO Kidding!

How is that possible? You mean, the man has been right about economics? Woah!


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TSA Subpoenas Bloggers Who Announced New Security Protocols to Travelers

Since there isn't any private market allowed by government, the "security" agency that fails to keep people safe in the air now wants to invade the freedom of the press.


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WSJ Reports Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Will Get UNLIMITED Funds




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Feds Impose MORE Thuggish Regulations on Air Transit - Cause Massive Problems


Government AIr Safety System Fails Again, Guess What Will Get MORE Money Next Year?

In the upcoming audio production, we will take a look at the inefficient and immoral government air security paradigm, where it comes from historically, and what kind of alternative would be better.

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Medical Fascism Passes Senate

Now it goes to 'conference committee' with the House version.

There are differences, such as the Senate provision to provide abortions, and the House provision that creates a so-called 'public option', but in the end, these differences do not matter. They will compromise, and they will produce a final bill that has as its central axis the mandatory elimination of all preexisting condition clauses currently in use by private insurance companies. A few years after that, the politicians will be able to do anything they desire, because the rates for private insurance will have gone through the proverbial roof.

This has been the trick they played in state after state throughout the late 1990's and early 2000's, and it will be what they do nationally.

Various State Prosecutors Probing OK Senator's Deal to Vote for Health Fascism

Interesting. It also shows the hypocrasy of these state politicians when it comes to RECEIVING unconstitutional handouts from the feds. Why aren't they consistent?


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Sen Chris Dodd Tries to Buy Support Using Fed Med Fascism Bill

This guy is one of the most perfidious creatures around. Truly sleazy. Figures he was good buddies with Ted Kennedy.



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Supreme Court of US Upholds Lower Court Ruling: "Detainees Aren't People"

Love that term "Constitutional Rights", as if rights only exist when they're cited in the Constitution, as if they are bequeathed to people by government.




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Feds Simply IMPOSE New Rules on Air Carriers - Nothing Like Freedom, Huh?

Looking at it with a wider lens... First, the feds break the Constitution to take over the control of the air routes, beginning in the 1920's-1930's. FDR sends out millions of Dollars to local politicians to build new airports where the market would not have placed them. Then the Feds impose insane, anti-constitutional, pro-union rules on the airlines, THEN, the feds take over the security at the airports. Each one of these causes delays, inefficiencies, and dictates that have no connection to the desires of consumers. So, you have airlines being delayed by security, you have air routes that get clogged due to government control of them, and you have excessive costs due to union involvement.

As Expected: Final Dem Holdout Sides in Favor of Health Fascism

Meanwhile, people like Dick Morris tell Fox News that, to paraphrase: "Well, probably something will pass, but it will be so watered-down, innocuous. It'll probably just have a provision mandating guaranteed issue..." Blah, Blah.

Mercatus Center Finds "Recovery Act" Money Handed to Politically Favorable Areas

Anyone surprised? FDR did the same thing, even held back pork payments until local politicians agreed to support him. What a guy, huh?


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Climate Change Nuts Broker "Deal" in Copenhagen-daas

Before you read, keep in mind that there are only about three valuable paragraphs in this article. First, it's mentioned that there is no actual treaty. And then you can gleen that the US gubment has promised $100 Billion to "developing nations" -- ie a bunch of crooks who lead THOSE countries -- to help them reduce their "climate change emissions".

Whose money is that?

Hmm... Hmm...

So hard to figure out!


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Obama Threatens Chinese Gubment at "Climate Change" Conference: "We Need TO ACT"

Yeah, we know, President O. Of course, the word "acting" also has a secondary definition. We know who's been "acting" and misleading.


Isn't it cute to see the President threaten to withhold the money of American citizens, expropriated from them whether they like it or not?


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