General Talk

Undercover cop goes native


I couldn't help chuckling about this story.


In fact I remember this group were raided last year by the police & I had wondered how the police knew what they might be scheming

Devil worshipping transsexuals are always to blame

No joke that the man charged with carrying out the massacre in Arizona on Saturday is being alleged to being a devil worshipping transsexual by sections of the US media.




Arizona Congresswoman was shot today, :(

I don't agree with almost anything that has come out of Congress, but I absolutely condemn this violence.

Giffords and her family are in my prayers and I hope she will come out of this okay.

So Mothy Do Want To Talk About The Cricket or The Rain ;)

So Mothy now you Aussies are now finding out how its like to be British


Pissing with rain i& you're shit at cricket ;)

The "America is Number One Foundation" LOL

This is so funny. I've never laughed so hard. :P

Dude #1: If America is number one, which country do you think is number two?"

Dude #2: Europe.

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL You know she went to public school.

VAT rise will hit the most vulnerable in society

From the 4th of January VAT has risen to its highest ever level of 20%

As ever with any blanket tax its going to hit the most vulnerable in society & VAT is just that a blanket tax.

Though people seem to think that food stuffs are excluded from VAT but this is isn’t actually true, though there are some exclusions on food products even when there are exclusions on particular items those items will still go up due to VAT being added to transportation costs etc.

Well this government in particular do seem help bent on having the most vulnerable in society to pay the economic mess this country is in, when in fact it should be the bankers & their politician mates as they got us into this fucking mess.

UK media freedom under threat?


Interesting debate to be had about press freedom surrounding ongoing police investigations.

Happy New Year!

I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year!

My dad says it's good luck to eat sourkraut on New Years, so I'll be having some on a bratwurst while playing some Xbox. :) BTW If any of you have Xbox Live, send me your gamertag and we'll play.

Feliz Año Nuevo de El Paso! <3

Proposal for Gardner

Okay, maybe I'm blind, but I don't see any email link for Gardner, so this proposal is directed to him, whom I hope will see this, but if you know the email address and wouldn't mind forwarding, that would be appreciated. Thanks.

LA representative studies a plan to pay poor women $1000 of tax payer money to have their tubes tied...

....and give tax incentives for college-educated, upper class people to have kids.

The irony is, from my own point of view, I'm college educated, but have been wanting to have my tubes tied for years so I can pursue my future without having to live like a nun for fear of getting pregnant! Don't college educated people have a history of putting off families? Does this sound like discrimination to anyone else?

Liberty Forum :(

As Gard pointed out on Facebook, this years Liberty Forum has been canceled. :( That's so dissapointing. I guess the depression is hitting all of us hard. Was anyone going?

Audio Tech - Podcasts

Hi there. I've got a question for everyone. I hate to complain about something I receive for free, but can someone recommend alternative software to submit to Gard? The file size for LC podcasts are pretty big in comparison to other podcasts I listen to. The others I listen to sound just as good and are about half the size. Ideas?

Apparently Citizen X is running for office in 2012 as a republican. LOL

I guess he'll be making that run for dog catcher after all!

...and they could have at least spelled his name right!

Is libertarianism a leap of faith

Okay here’s the situation….

I’m a physically disabled who lives on a top of a hill & any other time there’s shitty weather I’ve no trouble getting into town to get the shopping in.

Right now Britain is suffering from the coldest December on record & there is snow snow & more snow & ice.

A normal able bodied probably is finding it hard enough to get about right now, but I’ve cerebral palsy down the left side of my body & I’m visually impaired, so near impossible for me to get into town to get the shopping in.

Obviously I don’t want to starve & so I’m reliant upon the help others.

Right now I’m not bothered who assists me, whether its somebody who cares or is paid to care, all I want to do is ensure I don’t starve.

It has begun....VIPR

TSA at the bus stations...

Visual Intermobile Prevention and Response.

City council spends £4000 on a Xmas tree for its office


Now if that wasn't bad enough I saw a TV report last night claiming that the one in the city centre cost nearly 10 grand


I mean local councils supposedly are going to have to cut back on services to the most vulnerable in society & yet they can splash the cash ehen it comes to Xmas decor.


Where's the sick bag i need to puke.

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