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Vote Now for the Freedom Book Club Book of the Year!
Head on over, and get your vote in by Feb 15th! The winner will be announced at the 2010 Liberty Forum, in Nashua, NH, and will have a donation made in his honor to the Liberty Scholarship Fund!
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IMF and Nations Working for Global Bank Levy!
Very bad news. Seems people like Gordon Brown have been "inspired" by Barack Obama's announcement that he wants to apply a "financial responsibility fee" (crazy, but we call it a TAX, otherwise known as THEFT) to banks to "pay for the bailouts". Of course, we were told that the bailouts were "good investments" by numbskulls like NH Senator Juddy Gregg, but that's more than a day old, so who remembers such stupid things, right?
Here's the newest wrinkle in the ugly face of the state, or in this case, the ugly face of international plunder:
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Another TSA Horror Story -- Thank GOODNESS That Federal Gubment is So Open to Customer Need!
Now, what if there were a different way... A better way... One based on free choice and this thing called the, um, FREE MARKET!? Wouldn't that be a good thing?
Perhaps Theodoric of York might not jump on the idea, but we sure like it!
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Lew Rockwell Hits Another Homerun - On the Census
Good on ye, Lew!
And here's a question. Did anyone see the ad during the Superbowl that promoted the Census? The feds paid MILLIONS to get that produced and aired, and lefties love the census... Why?
Because it pulls in more numbers of welfare "constituents" for politicians who use as levers to aggrandize their own power.
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Louisiana High School Student Sent Home for Wearing... A Colts Jersey!
Another heroic tale in the great tradition of "take someone's tax money and run a crappy system of 'indoctrination' that caters to the lowest common denominator."
Homer would be proud, wouldn't he?
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12 yr Old Child ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED, for Doodling on School Desk!
File this under: "But we can't think of any other option! Gubment school is so gooooooood!"
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Gubment School Hassles Tiny Tot over Two-Inch Toy Gun
But hey, as long as we all know that gubment school is a GOOD thing, right?
Uh, right?
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US Police/Security Agencies Want Internet Backdoors to Private Information
Funny, that odd thing called the FOURTH AMENDMENT, isn't it?
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Gubment at It's Dumbest: Australian Govt. Bans Small-Busted Women from Porn
Yep. The politicians think that the small-chested women might be employed to mimic kiddie porn, so... There ya go.
Of course, one can only suspect that the new rule was pushed by the makers of silicone implants, but what do we know?
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Men at Work Get Screwed by Aussie Copyright Judge
This is a story Gard and Furb discussed in one of their recent productions on copyright and freedom.
In this case, the judge claims that the FLUTE section of the song is too smiliar to a 100 year old song that's pretty much akin to "Happy Birthday" in its ubiquitous popularity in the country. Everyone knows it and uses it. It's taught to kids from their earliest years.
This is crazy. Copyright and government, a bad combination. The lead singer/songwriter of the band, Colin Hay, is a remarkably talented guy. He's being screwed by the OZ gubment.>1=28102
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Dow Plunges, Jobless Claims RISE, Contrary to Expectations of Gubment "Experts"
Perhaps they ought to have spoken to some free-market economists, huh?
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"Conservative" Senator Wants Fed Regulation of College Championships
Yeah, you guessed it -- Orrin Hatch. The same guy who brought us the unconstitutional Kiddiecare and the Health Insurance "Privacy" Act...
When are people like this guy going ot RETIRE and enjoy a life of leaving their neighbors alone?
Funny thing is that this guy is still appearing on TV as a supposed bulwark against the tyranny of Obamacare, when HE helped institute major portions of the socialist agenda AND he continues to thirst for pushing other people around.
Go back to Utah, Orrin.
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Scotty, Beam up Kirk!
Despite the lip service to promptly seat Senator-Elect Scott Brown (that was given only after massive outrage over Democrats' hypocritical double-standards in delaying his seating), Brown still has not been seated. Meanwhile, the Senate voted along party lines to increase the debt ceiling by $1.9 Trillion and confirmed Bernanke to another term at the Fed. What planet are they on?
WSJ on Obama's "Spending Freeze" -- Some Interesting Numbers to Remember
As mentioned in the latest Conspiracy Audio production, the so-called spending freeze is bogus.
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Bernanke's Role In AIG Bailout Questioned
How about they question the continuation of the FED?
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DC Cops Invade Wrong House, Cause Thousands in Damage - Won't Pay
Meanwhile, Bradley Jardis, an ethical police officer who has spoken out against drug prohibition, is given so many hassles, he leaves the job he's done for ten years.
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If You can, Please Watch This Vid on the History of US Education
Those who have heard our interviews with author Sam Blumenfeld know how a grop of socialist progressives succeeded in pushing for and controlling mandatory government schooling for children. This video ties in perfectly with Sam's comments. We hope you will watch!
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TSA Agent Plants "Drugs" in Bag at Screening Point
What hilarious cats these people are, huh?
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