7th Circuit Rules Cops Can Search cell Phones Without Warrants

Nothing like that nutty 4th Amendment, huh?


We'll discuss this, and the larger implications of the gubment controlling the airwaves and roads, tonight, on Liberty Conspiracy Radio, starting at 10:06 pm Eastern US time! Go to www.lrn.fm to stream!

Be Seeing You!

Video Yanked by Youtube: Engineer Shows How Easily One Can Sneak Metals Through TSA Scans

So, they break the 4th Amendment, tell us it's for our own good, and then can't even stop the weapons. Nice.




Be Seeing You!

Eric Holder: US Can Lawfully Target Americans or Anyone for Assassination

This is so flamboyantly UNlawful it's almost pornographic. Are there any democrats out there who ever imagined that their choice for Prez would stoop even lower than Bush to break the Constitution and attack civil liberties?

Holder builds a strange fantasy world, predicated on his idea that since the US is in an extended military operation they call a "war on terror", they can basically make up the law as they go. Of course, if the US were at War, then the US would have to operate according to the GENEVA ACCORDS, which clearly prohibits assassinations. And if the US is NOT at War (which it is not), then US criminal code applies to any suspect, and the suspect must be handled according to the LAW, which doesn't allow for ASSASSINATIONS.


Scientists Develop a Device that Stops Speech

Interesting, with dangerous implications when it comes to government getting its hands on it.



Be Seeing You!

Obama Admin More Likely Than Others to Chase US Reporters Under Espionage Act

Yep. Kudos to the NYT and ABC's Jake Tapper for pointing this out. But why aren't more leftists up in arms?



Be Seeing You!

The Real Lincoln: A Gateway to the Fifth Dimension

The following was originally posted as a guest post on Heather's Harmony, a travel blog.  Go there for interesting insights into a person planning to escape from the United States.

The Real Lincoln    Lincoln the Hater

US Senate Passes Bill to Give Local Airport "Officials" Power to Replace TSA

Buuut, of course, the feds will still require the private screeners to do the same things the TSA does. It will still be a universal breech of the 4th Amendment under a rationale which utilizes an expansive, unconstitutional interpretation of the interstate commerce clause.




Not big deal, really.


Be Seeing You!

Sen Harry "High-Speed-Rail" Reid Secretly Plots NEW Internet Control Bill

This is a continuation of another initiative that was introduced separate from SOPA. It's part of the "Cyber Security" bill, in which the feds would claim access to the web systems of "essential industries", and could shut down the internet in the event that 'terrorists" were trying to shut down the intenet... Anyone see the Ouroborus?


Be Seeing You!

Look for Gas Prices to Rise 60 Cents by May

Note the 15 Cent burden (it's probably more) of environmental regs (the main reason the gas formulas are changed so dramatically from winter to summer), and don't forget the ever-decreasing power of the Dollar to buy things. The Dollar might look like a good refuge for Europeans who are seeing their currencies collapse, but the Dollar itself is collapsing. The mirage of "health" for the Dollar is caused by the European currency looking even worse, and inspiring people to turn to the Dollar. The Dollar is dying as well, just check the prices for gas and food (which are no longer included by the government in the CPI index)...


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FBI Warns of New "Threat" from Anti-government "Sovereigns"

Simple reality tells us that each man is a sovereign individual. But this fact troubles the multitude of agencies that have been created by the federal, state and local politicians. If we are to be broad-brushed as "dangerous", then it is incumbent on us to make sure we differentiate ourselves from those who would act violently, and to comport ourselves peacefully -- at all times.


Non-violent opposition to the immoral imposition called government is always a winning position. Let the government aggress, and remain peaceful. People will see the difference.




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Unconstitutional US Immigration Police Separate Families, Steal Kids

As we have noted numerous times, there is no immigration-control power granted to the US Congress. Writing rules for naturalization is a power granted to Congress, but not immigration. The only reference to regulating the "importation of persons" in the Constitution refers to the importation of slaves (a horrid practice), and it pertained only to the first thirteen states. If you read "Live Free or Die", you'll find a lerge section of the book devoted to this issue, and to the economic benefits of immigrants coming to the US.

Here is the story. We might discuss this Sunday night on Liberty Conspiracy Radio. Join the Conspiracy at 10:06, thru Midnight, Sun to Thursday!


U.N. Proposes World Tax to "Help the Poor"

Not as if the UN isn't ALREADY funded through taxation of all the "members"... Enjoy!




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CNN Commentator Proposes the "Regulation" of Sugar

We'll look at this on Liberty Conspiracy radio, tonight, beginning at 10:06 pm US eastern time!



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US Administration Proposes Further Manipulation of Housing Market

So now the politicians not only want to use the corrupt entities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to prop up housing prices that NEED TO DROP TO MORE CLOSELY REFLECT THEIR TRUE VALUE, they want to coerce private banks to adjust their loans. Brilliant, and oh-so peaceful. If Prez Obama, or any other president would like people to be offered lower mortgage packages, he can start up a new private bank himself, and so can the other politicians. They can do it the peaceful way, and work through voluntary exchange and the market, not politics and force. It was that kind of political-monetary manipulation that caused the housing debacle in the first place.

FDA Claims It Can Regulate Human Cells

This shouldn't really come as a surprise, given all the things the feds claim to have the power to "regulate"... Let's look at that term tonight on the Libety Conspiracy Audio Live...



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Restaurateur Boots TN Anti-Gay State Senator

This ties-in to our radio discussion about private property, private business, and discrimination. We'll discuss it again tonight on Liberty Conspiracy Radio, between 10:06 and midnight eastern US time!



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Evil and Dangerous British Couple Detained, Groped, and Sent Away by US Homeland Security in LA

There once was a time when armed thugs paid by theft weren't employed at border points to harrass people and take away their liberty and property. That time is long, long gone. This is only the beginning. It is going to get much worse.


Read this story, and try not to think, "You gotta be kidding me."




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