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Our Fave Economic Wiz-kid, Paulsen, Gave Insider Info in 2008
No kidding, really?
It's a long article, but again, Bloomberg News is revealing some of the dark underbelly to the mercantilist system of the US.
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Freedom of Info Demands Reveal: Fed Reserve Shelled out over 7.7 Trillion thru Mar, 2009
Here's a question for the members of the Occupy Movement who keep demanding MORE fed regulations on the investment businesses, and that "Glass-Steagle" be re-applied to banks...
Glass-Steagle would not have stopped the housing bubble. The housing bubble, and all the dominoes that fell with it, was caused by political programs pushing banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford it, by artificially LOW fed interest rates, by the existence of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were CREATED to increase mortgage loans and BUY UP bundled mortgage securities, and by policies like the Reno Justice Department's work to force banks to hand out risky loans before those banks would be allowed to merge.
Many of the Congressmen and Senators Who Pushed for Automatic Cuts, Now Trying to Block Them
As many free market economists have said, politicians have no incentives to stop the growth of gubment, and they have no scruples to abide by the Constitution (well, most of them don't)... Looks like that Constitution hasn't stopped them.
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EU Bureaucrats' Mandate to Bottled Water Sellers: Water Doesn't Hydrate
This is an excellent example of how pop media sources often miss the forest for the trees. As you read this piece, you will probably note the acknowledgment of absurdity the authors offer. Clearly, based on the way the story is structured and the interviews conducted, the authors don't much care for this silly edict. But what is the basis of their dislike? It is the fact that they have differing opinions, and think it counter-productive and silly for EU gubment agents to claim something that runs so counter to what they, the authors, and many others know: drinking water DOES hydrate the body.
What is MISSED here is the larger question, which can be set up thus;
Kids With Cams Reveal Cruel Actions of Govt Teachers
Ahh, but if you ask Elizabeth Warren, we ALL need to pay into this system. It's a "good"! ;)
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National Concealed-Carry Reciprocity Bill Passes House
It might pass the Senate, but the President will try to veto it. If they override his veto, then he will simply not enforce the law if states don't provide reciprocity. But still, this is a good sign of how many people view gun rights as universal. What it also shows, however, is a profound LACK OF UNSERSTANDING of the US CONSTITUTION.
First, the Second Amendment is clear, and is supposed to STOP states from interfering with HOW one carries his weapon of self-defense. No state is supposed to have "licenses" to "let you" carry a gun, concealed or otherwise.
Fannie Mae Seeks $7.8 Billion MORE - Even While Pop Media "Financial Advisors" Say It's Doing "Well"...
One such 'advisor' reported to the Wall Street Journal Radio report that Fannie looked like it did well last quarter.
Insane and corrupt.
And now, Fannie (despite the fact that it HAS NO MONEY), wants to help push the Obama H.A.R.P. plan, and buy portions of other lenders' loans at restructured rates. MORE LOSSES SUBSIDIZED BY TAX MONEY.
US Supreme Court Will "Rule" on Medical Fascism Law
It's doubtful that the black-robed oligarchs will rule on manifest things like the invasion of our 4th amendment rights to NOT have our medical records seen by the government (the courts routinely let them invade our financial records through the IRS), and they probably won't bother with things like, oh, the manipulation of the Interstate Commerce clause. But there's a chance that the court might, just might, rule that it's unconstitutional to mandate that people buy a product called health insurance.
US Admin Delays Christmas Tree Tax
Don't you love how magnanimous our overlords are? Oh, THANK YOU, GREAT GODS OF GUBMENT!
Amusing that the taxers claim that the tax wouldn't effect the price of a tree.
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Another Reason to Go Agnostic: Obama Admin to Impose CHRISTMAS TREE TAX of 15 Cents Per Tree
This one is just increidble. As Harry Browne used to say, "government is good at doing two things. First, they break your legs, then they expect you to thank them for handing you crutches." We would add that the crutches are paid for by the victims and they usually don't work well.
Do you think people will get around this by calling them something other than "Christmas Trees"? How about "Festivus Trees" or what if one is Pagan?
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After Corrupt Ruling over His TSA Lawsuit, Jesse Ventura Vows to Turn His Back on US Flag
Good for him. He is correct in his suit, and in his argument that he should have a jury decide, not a panel of judges.
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MF Global (Headed by former NJ Guv John Corzine) Collapses, Exposes Huge Ties to "Anti-Wall Street" Obama Admin
This is an interesting article, particularly the last few paragraphs...
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Ventura Suit Against TSA Searches/Scans Tossed by Federal Judge
Not enough details yet. Looks like the judge claims "no jurisdiction". Here is the AP report. Ventura will have a press conference tomorrow (Fri, Nov 4th)...
Ventura's claim is correct. Let's give him support and spread the word about this.
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Freddie Mac Heads Say They Need $6 Billion More from Taxpayers
The federal gubment has created such a fascistic (ie, mixing privately owned business, or publicly held corporations with government and bureaucracy0 economic system in the US, the economic crash is inevitable. The depression people are experiencing now is nothing compared to what it will be like in about two years. Meanwhile, jerks like those in Freddie and Fannie are set to keep propping UP housing prices instead of letting them fall, and they will do it with money stolen from you, your kids, and potential business investors. What a nice situation...
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Obama Admin's Plan to Brush Off Lots of College Student Debt and RIP OFF Taxpayers
As we discuss in the 10-27-11 production, college prices have skyrockets mainly because of government intervention, incentivising kids to get gubment loans for less than what the private market would demand. Bad mojo again! Inceased demand leads to increased prices, leads to more kids getting college loans that they can't pay off (can you say, HOME MORTGAGE CRISIS REPEATED?!), and then the gubment dives in even further to keep kids heading to schools they shouldn't attend.
You might want to hit a punching bag or go jogging after you read this. You could build up a lot of frustration and anger at what the politicians are doing.
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US Senate tries to Kill Streaming of Copyrighted Material
In a truly free market, copyright would not be something left in the hands of politicians. It would be handled through private transactions and agreements, private arbitration, and competition. This kind of top-down approach never works, and only stifles the creation of private solutions to problems.
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Occupy Wall Street Fund Distribution Causes In-fighting
As Dennis Moore said in the Monty Python skit: "Hmm. This redistribution of wealth thing is trickier than I thought!"
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Housing Prices Drop A Bit More Than Expected in August
And Yaho Finance Writer Shobhana Chandra states in the opening line that this highlights "one of the biggest obstacles facing the CONOMIC RECOVERY this year." Such reporting is so bad it's almost laughable.
First. There isn't any "economic recovery". The Wholesale Price Index and CPI have both FAR outstipped the tiny blips of growth they occasionally mention. That means that prices are rising while Gross Domestic Product is not, and employment is not. Bad mojo, kids.