NY Governor George Pataki with Gardner Goldsmith, on 'Against the Grain'

On Tuesday, May 9, George Pataki, a possible candidate for the Republican nomination for the Presidency, appeared with Gardner on WTNK.

He stressed his record in NY, energy policy and defense, as he explores his future as a potential presidential candidate.

NH Senate Guts Protection Against Federal REAL ID Act

Today, on "Against the Grain", Seth Cohn of the NH Liberty Alliance joined Gard to discuss the vote on Thursday evening in the NH Senate.

14 Republicans voted to amend HB 1582, which would have rebuffed the federal government over the anti-constitutional REAL ID Act, insuring that NH retain authority to issue its own driver's licenses as its government sees fit.

The bill is not dead. As amended, it will have to go back to a conference committee with the House. Unfortunately, Senate President Gatsas, who opposes HB 1582, gets to select the members of the Senate delegation for the committee.

A John McCain Moment, plus Dr. Susan Lynch Gets Her Way Pushing Schools Around

A little stroll down memory lane with Senator "Straight Talk" McCain, and an update on political pressure on local schools. Lovely!

Immigration and Constitutional Provisions to Stop 'Invasion' -- From 'Against the Grain'

For those who are fascinated by strictly enterpreting the US Constitution. This sound file features Gardner Goldsmith, the insightful caller 'Craig', and Karen Testerman, of Cornerstone Policy Research.

The Latest on Immigration, the National Anthem, and a Bird Flu UPDATE --

As reported by the Drudge Report, George Bush's expressed opinion that the "Star Spangled Banner" be sung in English does not seem to jibe with his own background on the campaign trail.

Kevin Phillips, author of "American Dynasty", first noted it in his book, and Drudge has broadened the exposure.

Here is the link:

The President may be slow to recognize his own hypocrasy, but at least he doesn't have bird flu.

Here, also, is the latest on the US government's plan to shield us from the flu.

It's a good thing ABC News is watching this pote

A new public school teacher gets into trouble

Great educators are everywhere... Case in point Pamela Rogers:


In Honor of the Spanish Language "Star Spangled Banner"...

We give you the Fenway Park remake of the song...

In Pig Latin!

Here is a sample from today's game.

Changing the 'Star Spangled Banner' to Espanol... How about something else...

In solidarity with the Latino Community that wants to promote a Spanish language version of the National Anthem, the folks at Fenway Park have translated the song into another popular language...

Here is a sample of the opening:

"Ohway aysay ancay ouyay eesay... ybay ethay awn'sday earlyway ightlay... atwhay osay oudlypray eway ailedhay atway ethay ilight'stway astlay eamingglay..."

Fenway Spokesman Seth Lopez says: "We just thought it was the right thing to do. And it shows solidarity with a large portion of our fans. Ogay oxsay!!"

El G Grande v Fed Chair Ben Bernanke on Gas Prices and Interest Rates

Fed Chariman Bernanke has suggested that if gas prices continue to rise, he has a great idea:

Raise interest rates.

As John Cleese would say with tongue planted firmly in cheek, "BRILLIANT!"

It needs stressing: inflation and gas prices are not connected. Listen to this sound file and you will get more information.

The Gas Issue in the Hands of DC Politicians - Studying Their INSANE Proposals

As Charlton Heston said in "Planet of the Apes", "it's a MAD HOUSE, a MAAAAD HOUUUSE!"

Listen as people like Chuck Grassley of Iowa (see the photo of him here at the Conspiracy site a few pages in) and Chuck Schumer come up with brilliant ideas to further manipulate the oil market.

Government has never improved ANY facet of the market. Government stands in diametric opposition to economic development and freedom.

For further reading touch base with Cato:


cover of The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of EneThe Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Ene
cover of Energy: The Master ResourceEnergy: The Master Resource
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Science (Politically Incorrect Guides)The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Science (Politically Incorrect Guides)

Investigating Gas Prices, with a Local Station Owner

Chatting with Bill Unfairro, a local businessman defending his industry, or, at least defending it in a way that Chuck Schumer would love.

'Against the Grain' and the Competitive Enterprise Institute on Gas prices Part Two of Two

More, with Myron ebell of CEi (www.CEI.org) on gas prices and political rhetoric.

Plus, an interview with Bill Unfairro, owner of a nearby gas station. He's a man who can really tell us the truth about gas prices.

'Against the Grain' and the Competitive Enterprise Institute on Gas Prices

On April 26, Gardner Goldsmith welcomed Myron Ebell, evironmental policy and energy expert of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Together, they investigated the claims of leftists in both major parties that the government should get further involved in regulating gas prices and taxing oil companies.

This is part one of two.

The NH Teachers' Union Remembrance of John Stark Day

Remembering the man who said, "Live Free or Die!"

Soundbite Three -- NJ Cong. Robert Menendez Moralizes to Exxon-Mobil and Us

Neeeeeew Jerrrrrseyyy.. Where the trees grow tall, the grass grows green, and laws prevent people from pumping their own gas.

NJ has spawned a real winner. Congressman Robet Menendez.

Here he is on the morality of supply and demand -- Congress style.

Listen to this short bite, it's something on which to chew...

And read about Mr. Menendez's home state right here! It's FUN!


Soundbites to Remember -- Chuck Schumer on Gas Prices

Chuck Schumer, the senior Senator from New York (makes one wish we could disown that state) does George Bush one better in the hypocrasy department as he questions the morals of gas suppliers and oil companies.

This, of course, coming from a guy who gets an AUTOMATIC pay increase in the Senate unless he votes against it. This coming from the guy who never mentioned trying to cut the 69 Cents per gallon that the federal and state governments impose on us at the pump, or the regulations that have virtually stopped all off-shore drilling near the US, or the regulations that make it so expensive to refine oil here in the US that it has become more economically efficient to refine it in other countries. We haven't built a new refinery in the US since 1976, but Chuck Schumer doesn't mention this in his harangue.

Soundbites to Remember Part One -- George Bush

Listen to President Bush as he accepts and promotes the idea that the federal government should have a role in "investigating" the price of gasoline.

As you do, see if you can find any Constitutional rationale for the existence of the federal organizations he mentions, and see if he mentions the 54 Cent per gallon tariff the US imposes on foreign ethanol, which the government FORCES us to put in our gastanks, but which ADM and the "Renewable Fuel Association" (where he spoke today to announce his new energy plan) NEVER want revoked.

This is a short bite, for your entertainment...

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