Wayne Simmons

Ask, and Ye Receive: Links to Sites of Excellent ATG Guests and Our Audio Library!

F. Paul Wilson and Gard Nashua - Jan 08b.jpg

Well, Conspirators, you said you needed the information, and here it is, the first part of our ongoing attempt to keep you abreast of the websites for some of Gardner's guests and to give you a direct link to our Library!

The Audio Library: http://libertyconspiracy.podomatic.com/

This time, we highlight recent guests, fiction authors and just plain cool people. Check them out, and soak in their great ideas! First, we would like to mention once more, the excellent site of Glenn Jacobs, aka, Kane, of the WWE. Get this man's insight on political economics, and enjoy his wit at: www.adventuresofcitizenx.com

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