
It's Coming... The Federal Health "Care" Storm

Fight in any way you can. And do not be fooled by the republican "alternative", which will create its OWN fascist system.

Fight for morality, fight for markets!


Be seeing you!

More Costly Mandates Coming... Congress May Prohibit Antibiotic Use in Industrial Farm Animals - Food Prices Will Rise

People like the noxious Pew Center, and the Union of Concerned Scientists are behind this bill. Obviously, it will increase the health risks for farm animals, thus increasing costs for farmers and for consumers, all at a time when people are out of work, and food prices are not only rising, they will rise steeply as the inflationary policies of the US government and its legal money monopoly, the Fed, hit the stores. Sometimes one wonders if the bad ideas coming one after another in DC aren't pre-planned.

Here is the piece:

C-Span appears to be the only network that has covered this.

Here is the C-Span video:

US Lawsuit Against UBS Delayed By US Judge - Looks Ominous for Banking Privacy

Let's hope that the Swiss don't buckle on this. Gard will have an audio today that discusses this, and highlights certain aspects of the increased intensity of the federal thirst for money.

Be Seeing You!

Obama Admin Pushes Harder on Invasion of Bank Privacy for Swiss Depositors

Hey Leftists Remember When You Correctly Spoke Out About Bush and Phone Privacy? Where Do You Stand on Bank Privacy?

Yeah, that's right. Nowhere.

Be Seeing You!

Not Only Do The Pols Want to FINE You If You Don't Get Health Insurance, Now, They Want (SHOCK!) Higher Taxes

Okay, so your medical privacy will be gone. The company with which you privately contract will be competing against a tax-subsidized government health plan, the insurance company will have all sorts of regulations and requirements applied to it by the feds, forcing up costs, and if you don't get health insurance, you will be fined. Now, the new taxes they will need to fund the federal plan are being proposed.


Ahh, that heady aroma of freedom --- decaying.

Sweet, isn't it?


Kudos to Kane, AKA Glenn Jacobs, for Helping Promote Real Freedom!

Glenn recently posted a great piece to inspire people to contribute to Lew Rockwell's fantastic site. We hope you'll take a look!

Be Seeing You!

Gore Likens Himself to Winston Churchill and Compares Global Warming Fight to Battle Against Hitler and Nazis

Woah. Nice to see Gore's lack of understanding that Churchill has had a LOT of his mistakes overlooked, but how about that ego, huh? And global warming is like the Nazis? Funny, but it seems like his answer to global warming requires, uh... FASCISM to proceed. Strange, that.


Be Seeing You!

As Unemployment Hits 26 Yr High, Biden Covers, Explains that "Everyone Underestimated the Bad Economy We Inherited"

Funny, but those CRAZY free market economists actually DIDN'T underestimate it! And they understand that by taking MORE money away from the productive, free market, and redirecting it through political channels, you don't do ANYTHING to help the economy recover, you RETARD true growth, you SUPPRESS it. Oh, then there's that little nagging item of the BORROWING and then there's that goofy thing with the Fed issuing money that doesn't exist...

Video is linked here. Enjoy Mr. Hairplug VP!

Hmmm. Remember the line from "Aliens", delivered by Bill Paxton?

"Game over, man! Game over!"

Little Leviathan Rears Its ugly Head: Local Gubment Grabs Cash While Home Prices Fall

Yeah, so sad to realize you only RENT your house on your land, which is also RENTED from the local gubment, isn't it?


Obama, Like Romney and Gregg, Proposes FINES for People Who "Don't Buy Meaningful Health Insurance"

At what point do we tell these people to go to Hell?

The straws are piling up on the camels' backs...

Getting heavier and heavier, Barack... We're gonna break soon.... Soon........

Funny thing is that they don't call themselves fascists. Cool how they keep that stiff upper lip as they impose tyranny on people.;...

Imperial Obama Admin to Open Housing Bailouts to MORE People

Hey, so what if that's more tax money wasted, and it keeps housing priced artificially propped up at a time when the homes need to be liquidated to more closely mirror their real value, it will put faces on the TV screens that the Obama Admin can claim were "helped", so heyyyy, it's gotta be great, right?


Be Seeing You!

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