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Again, in the "SHOCKER!" Category: Economists Study Cash4Clunkers, See Potential Negative Effects on Future Sales!
WHA? This is such a SURPRISE!!
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Another Wasteful Gubment Insurance Program Needs ANOTHER Bailout
Ahh, federal flood insurance: inspiring reckless home settlement, waste, corruption and the stifling of productivity since 1968.
Isn't America great?
Here's a good piece on it from Sheldon Richman:
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Statists ADVERTISE on Craigslist to Get Help From Supporters of Gubment Health Plan
Desperation. But remember, the Republicans and Blue Dog Dems will compromise in the end, and mandate "guaranteed issue", which will be the second to last chess move to bring about socialized mediciine in a couple of years. Mark that as a prediction.
Here's the ad! It would be funny to reply and pretend to be a defender, then screw up all their plans :-)! Just a little mischief makes the world more fun when one is defending against aggressors!
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Campaign for Liberty Member Tossed from GA "Town Hall Meeting" for Mentioning Consitution
It just gets more and more intense, and the blowback against the statists will grow in strength and scope. Can't wait!
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Beautiful New Video - Arlen Spectre Gets Excoriated by Indignant Citizen - Watch This!
Spread the word that this kind of righteous indignation is NOT a bad thing! Keep it up! To quote John Lydon: anger is an energy!
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Obama On His Way to NH -- He Will Not Be Greeted Warmly Outside the Gathering
It's a "Town Hall Forum" that is "Randomly Selected" -- Riiiiiight.
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FreeKeene. ObscuredTruth and RidleyReport Cover Senator Shaheen's Not-so Open House on Healthcare!
This is beautiful! Great going all!
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The First Liberty Conspiracy VIDEO is Out! "Introducing the Conspiracy"
We've just published the first of the Liberty Conspiracy VIDEOS! Spread the word! There's a group of plotters out there who will never tire in fighting for liberty!
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Obama: "I don't want the folks who created this mess to do a lot of talking..."
Funny thing is, if he understood economics, his statement would imply that he doesn't want POLITICIANS to do a lot of talking.
Nothing like those lefties and their "openness" to "free speech"!
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Via Glenn Jacobs: Pelosi Accuses Health Protesters of Embracing Naziism
The statists are like nervous dogs right now, ready to snap at anyone who threatens their power.
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US Officials Considering a NEW Bailout for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - But It's Not Being Called That
Wow. Either the people at MSNBC are really thick, or they are completely complict in the scheme of Washington politicians to shield the public from the fact that the money already thrown to FM and FM hasn't saved those corrupt and unconstitutional entities. NOW, they want to avoid the term "bailout", and just "create a new bank" that will "buy" the bad asset-backed securities that the FMs own.
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Congressional Medical Plan Would Tax Americans to Pay for, and Force Coverage of, Abortions
Nothing like introducing moral conflicts for those who will see their tax money taken for an act they find immoral. Ahh, freedom...
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Coming Fall Congressional Session: Gubment Health Bureaucracy, Regulations, Cap n' Trade, AND Taxes...
We're all butterflies with excitement!
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$2.4 Billion to be Wasted by Feds on Electric Car "Investment"
They are redirecting usable capital into areas in which people COULD invest right now, if those free individuals saw the electric car market as productive. Instead, people are being FORCED, enslaved, in order to have cash sent over to areas where politicians see that they can get a payoff, be it in monetary support or in media coverage, or for their own twisted world views about the benefits of central planning for the environment.
Check it out!
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Glenn Jacobs Offers an Historical Footnote to Gard's Debate with Igor Volsky
The man who is Kane offers insight about government crowding out private industry, Lysander Spooner, and more...
Here is the link to his excellent site:
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A Great Example of the Deceptive Rhetoric of Pro-Gubment Medicine Pushers
First, take a look at this collection of video cuts featuring Barack Obama stating his intent to establish single-party, gubment medicine for all Americans:
Next, see Linda Douglass' online rebuttal. Linda used to be the White House reporter for ABC News. In a TOTAL STUNNER, this "unbiased reporter" took a job heading up Obama's Health Care Press Department!
On Returning to Districts, Congressmen Get Swarmed by Supporters of Health Freedom
As Sheldon Richman, at wrote, that's why they wanted a vote on government medicine before they went into their summer recess...
And here's some niiiiice video of pro-freedom individuals who spontaneously organized to confront Lloyd Doggett, Rep. from Texas! If only there were more reactions like this to statist jerks like Doggett!
Congressman Frank Believes Glenn Jacobs Has a Chip on His Shoulders?
While Glenn was heading to his flight at Boston's Logan Airport, he spotted Congressman Barney Frank walking by.
It seems as if the Congressman is a bit touchy... Read on, MacDuff!
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Obama Officials See Signs of "Recovery", But Still Demand MORE Stimulus Expenditures?
One wonders why reporters seem to avoid the question: "If the US economy is starting a recovery, why do you want to tax and spend more, and borrow more to shovel into it?"
Of course, we all know the recovery is bogus. It's a mirage that will last perhaps a year and a half, and then...
Enjoy that valuable Dollar in your wallet!
Here is the piece:
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