
Admin: Select Corporations Get 1 Yr Exemption from Health Fascism

Corporations such as McDonalds and twenty-nine others have been granted a one-year reprieve from the medical fascism law. Why? Because they can't afford the mandates and still retain all the employees they pay.


Be Seeing You!

Another Inflationary/Anti-Constitutional Mortgage Relief Scheme

Yes, as we mentioned in our previous post, the government is the cause of the housing mess, and it continues to prop up home prices, while prices need to drop in order to better reflect true value. The money that will be given to these people who got mortgages will prevent them from being liquidated like they should be. Here's the article:


IMF Wants MORE of Your $ for Bailouts

Incredible. Various governments around the world print worthless money, inspire unwarranted home loans, set up fraudulent "businesses" like fannie mae and freddie mac to act as pseudo "consumers" of the bundled mortgage securities the banks then sell, and then they bailout the banks and fannie and freddie with your money and the money your kids will make. Such gall is rare, isn't it?



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Fannie Mae Skirts Congress (With Push from White House) to Mess With More Foreclosures

We'd heard rumors that the Obama Administration was going to unilaterally work through Fannie Mae to add more bogus financing for the housing industry at a time when the homes are over-priced and the prices need to drop to reflect real value. Liquidation needs to occur because the market was artificially stimulated from the Clinton years through the Bushites and now it is continuing.


As Predicted: Health Insurance Co Stops Selling Plans Due to Fed Medical Law

As we have mentioned, this is exactly what has happened in many US states that have already instituted these kinds of mandates on insurance companies. The politicians tell the people who started the businesses (and those who have already gotten policies based on the risks the insurance companies accept) -- they announce  that the way the companies do business isn't "acceptable". Then the politicians break the Constitution to "regulate" (ie push around and tell how to do business) the companies and the people who have already gotten policies with them.

House Dems Drop Anti-Constitutional "Net Neutrality" Madates

But don't chalk it up to them actually reading the Interstate Commerce Clause with a modicum of honesty. It was dropped because they didn't have the votes. And remember, this is another of the "GENIUS" proposals from Congressman Henry Waxman, the same man who proposed a Congressional "investigation" into the prices of boxed breakfast cereals!

Catch Lucky! Those charms need to be regulated by the politicians!

Here's the piece on the net neutrality item.


Be Seeing You!

Brazen Congress to Pay Byrd Offspring His Salary for Another Year!

Even with all the incredibly galling things Congress does, this one is so openly brazen, it's jaw-dropping.


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US Gubment Seeks Backdoor to All Electronic Communications

Oh, yes, don't forget, voting changes everything. Government will stop growing, stop invading privacy, stop stealing, stop coercing -- just vote and change.



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US Soldiers Admit to Thrill Kills in Afghanistan

Yeah, this will really help stop terrorist attacks against innocent US citizens.



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New Fed Mandates Come Thurs to Push Health Ins Costs Up

This is the first phase of so-called "reform". IN the linked piece, notice how the report opens with an anecdote, a sad story about a family who has a child with hemophelia and has reached the total limit for their insurance pay-outs. The reporter then gushes about how, under the "new health care reform law" the family won't, as the mother says, "have to worry about that."

DC Republicans Won't Repeal All of Unconstitutional Med Fascism Mandates

In addition to this piece, we will soon dicscuss in audio a recent "interview" (if you can call such a suck-up session an "interview") by a Wall Street Joural opinion writer and a congressman, in which the congressman states that the Republicans would not want to repeal the "good" parts of this wholly unconsitutional law. For example, he says, our great Republican saviors would hate to repeals the mandate that requires insurance companies to include children in adult plans at rates ordered by the government. Oh, no, we'd hate to actually let people be free of state commands. Of course, just a few minutes later, the same politician tells the interviewer that he's very much a booster of "free markets". Interesting bi-polar frission happening there, huh.............

Harry Reid Arrives at "Green Conference" w/ Fleet of SUVs

Ahh, don't you just love the sweet smell of hypocrasy in the morning? It smells of... Hypocrasy!

Sorry, couldn't help but mangle "Deer Hunter", I mean, "Apocalypse Now"...


Be Seeing You!

Gold Hits All-time High

Yeah, statists criticized us libertarians because we suggested people get gold as a hedge against inflation.


Gold may moderate a bit in the next quarter, but then, the real price increased of goods will be seen, thanks to the inflation the feds have pushed for years, and the gold prices will skyrocket. Silver is also a good investment, even now. In two years, their prices will be much, much higher.

Fed Court Rules Against PA Town's Fines For Hiring "Illegals"

Yeah, there's this nagging little thing called the "Contract Clause"? It's nutty! It prohibits any town or state government from interfering in private contract.

Wouldn't it be great if the proscription were actually applied more often?

Wouldn't it be great if there were NO gubment to interfere at all?



Take a look at the story!


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30 yr US Treasury Bond Sales Stink

People might finally be waking up to the reality that the US is monetizing the debt and will pay back with worthless money. Get gold. ASAP.



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More FDR-Like Unconstitutional Make-Fake-Work Programs

These guys never seem to learn that taking money away from individuals to choose how they would like to spend it means that such a move is an AUTOMATIC loss in productivity, and hence, negative for real economic growth. Add to it the fact that this is money that is coming by way of taxing AND borrowing from future taxpayers, and you have yourself the enslavement of your kids.


Nice, huh?




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Bernanke's Scary New Powers

Just take a look at this piece. Deapite the nonsense spouted about how much "faith" people have in Bernanke (um, he had the smallest margin of support for any fed chair EVER), the piece DOES cover all the new ways in which Bernanke can manipulate and mess with the market. Not good.

And not much different than early Nazi Germany.


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Unemployment RISES, NBC Paints It As POSITIVE

They say that employers HIRED X, but they GOT RID of X+Y!

Incredible. But then again, what should one expect? The major nets have always been driven by the political prejudices of those working at them. Any pretense to "objective" journalism is a sham. After all, the people who work at the networks and major news agencies are PEOPLE, and are incapable of being "objective". We are all subjective creatures.

If viewers and readers would stop imagining that the news people were somehow blessed with oracle-like wisdom, we'd all be a lot better off.


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US Government Pushes Its Assassination of Citizens Policy!

Ahh, nothing like that "change" the Obama-ites promised. So different than the Bushie threats to civil liberties, huh?

Mmm... The sweet smell of justice for all.




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Wanna read Some Socialist Silliness? Read This Piece on "Obesity" and "Structural Violence"

The federal gubment is ready to impose requirements on fast food restaurant owners to force them to post calorie content in all their establishments. How anyone can justify employing the force of government to tell anyone how they run a restaurant where customers VOLUNTARILY enter the place, and are free to turn to competitors or make their own meals, is beyond comprehension. But it's happening.


But wait... Someone DOES try to justify it! Read this amazing piece of drivel from Arizona, and note the wwriter's masters degree mentioned in the bio!



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