
More Moves to Create World Bureaucracy to Control the Financial/Trading Sector

As Count Floyd might have said, "Scary!"
Here is the report, from the Financial Times of London:

Geithner stresses Fed role in dollar stance

By Aline van Duyn and Michael Mackenzie in New York

Published: June 9 2008 23:20 | Last updated: June 9 2008 23:20

Timothy Geithner, president of the New York Federal Reserve, has appeared to dismiss the market perception that the US Treasury calls the shots for the dollar, saying responsibility is a “delicate balance” between the Treasury and the Fed.

Minneapolis Sets Auto-idling Limit -- Many City Vehicles Exempted (of course) --

Yes, as one might expect, the folks in Minnesota have spoken, and it's another infringement on freedom for the "greater good" that includes plenty of exemptions for gubment!

Here's a link to local television coverage of it (not too thorough, but that's to be expected now from "journalists")...

Then take a look at this, just one example of the good work bloggers are doing covering this topic!

Capn' Trade Cereal Defeated in Senate, Great Piece on Anti-economics of Housing Bailout

As many conspirators know, the Warner-Leiberman Cap and Trade bill was defeated in its new guise, a 491 page re-written bill that no one got to read anyway. The scientific rationale for both bills is about as strong as the constitutional rationale -- meaning that there isn't any rationale.

That's the good news.

Take a look at this good piece from for more evidence that the federal bailout of mortgages is baaaad mojo, baby!

BAD NEWS - NH Senator Sununu May Vote FOR Cap and Trade Regulations

Chris Horner, or the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reports that John Sununu, Jr., may be pandering once more, possibly voting FOR a replacement "Cap and Trade" "environmental bill" that would smother productivity and do nothing to change the weather.

Check out the report, here!

Intellectual Ammunition to Fight Against Environmental Fascism

On Monday, June 2, Gard had the opportunity to talk to Chris Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Chris' new book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" is a treasure-trove of information to help you combat the specious arguments of the emotively driven collectivists who promote more and more regulation on the free market. Chris is a big hero for freedom, and his book goes highly recommended. Check it out by hitting the Amazon link provided!

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and MisguClimate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misgu
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)
cover of The Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate ChangeThe Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate Change

One of the WORST Ideas EVER to come from DC - Federal Reinsurance! It Is Coming!

On of Gard's friends works for the largest reinsurance company in the world. This friend is also a hardcore libertarian. On Monday, Gard will discuss the HUGE-OSITY of how bad this Congressional proposal is.

Do ANY of these people even glance at fundamental economics?

cover of Economics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary EditionEconomics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary Edition

Gubment Continues the Dance - SEC Investigating Oil prices! What heroes. Plus: Audios FINALLY Starting to Post

Check out the news on the MANY months spent trying by government trying to look like the protetor of tha "little guy". Meanwhile, because of gubment regs, taxes, and boondoggle programs, the "little guy" pays more and more of his money -- which is also made to be worth less and less by the Fed!

Nice system!

Link to It! Sheldon Richman's Website, and the Foundation for Economic Education

As many Conspirators know, Sheldon Richman is one of the best proponents of free markets and individual liberty, expressing important economic lessons in cogent and powerful prose. We hope you'll visit his website and drop him a line. It is at:

Also, Mr. Richman is the editor of "The Freeman", published by the legendary Foundation for Economic Education. FEE also produces a daily update on important news stories, edited by Sheldon. Read it at:

Enjoy, and spread the word!

McCain's Fake Free Market Solution to Supposed Anthropogenic Global Warming - Cap and Trade Is Just Regulation Under A New Name

The "Constitutional Scholar" is at it again. Can't wait for him to be President.

Check out this story, and remember, the "Cap" part of "Cap and Trade", is all you need to see to set off alarm bells.

Private Aid to "Burma" Stopped by Gubment, US Senate Hinting at Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies, Govt to Decide Who Lives

Check out this story from the Washington Post, a story for which the author actually observes that private charity is ALREADY moving, and is being STOPPED by government.

Also, on Wednesday, May 7, the US Senate started seriously looking at levying a "windfall profits" tax on US oil companies, because... the government wants to... um... help lower the cost of... oil and gas?

Clueless Constitutional Scholar McCain Proposes MORE Federal Involvement in Health Insurance Industry

As Gard has spelled out in "Live Free or Die", the health care market is a market just like any other. Government manipulation of it has increased costs, decreased choices, and led to even more cries from Americans that they need help. As the vicious cycle continues, the same government pinheads who caused the problems now step up to "solve the problems of the market". Anyone with any understanding of the history of federal health insurance legislation and its negative consequences knows that if the market were LEFT ALONE, it would reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Bush Pushes for MORE Student Loans -- Senate Votes to SAVE AMERICA by Increasing Fuel Taxes on Corporate Jets

President Bush continues to knock his head on the brick wall of inflation caused by gubment...

And how about this? The Senate has voted to raise fuel taxes on corporate jets. Of COURSE that should happen... Shouldn't it?

After all, rich people are wicked, venal and next to vermin!

What is Fascism? Whether You Approach from the Left or the Right Does Not Matter

The Ludwig von Mises Institute has just posted an excellent piece by the legendary John Flynn, who has in his library of work some of the most precise and correct critiques of the fascist FDR ever written.

Take a look at this during your spare time. Well worth reading!

EEEEVIL Senate Republicans Kill Extension of Satute of Limitations for "Pay Disparity Suits" - Congress to Ban "Genetic Discrim"

Thomas Jefferson once said that he would rather have a vibrant news media than a government. Too bad we don't have the first, and the second is strangling private enterprise and the morality of private interaction.

Bush Admin's NEW, EXCITING Mandates for Fuel Efficiency of Autos -- FCC Chair IS a God -- UNH and Second Amendment

When not taking time to appear on "Deal or No Deal", George Bush has enough time to push new mandates on auto manufacturers. Whew! We thought he might neglect us!

What a deal, huh? Well, it doesn't stop there! Order now and you'll receive a SPECIAL message from the FCC Chairman, who claims he has the power to regulate the internet any way he wants! Thank GOODNESS!

We were worried we might have to actually control our OWN lives and social interaction!

NY Times - Biofuels Might NOT Be As Great As Politicians Thought --- Ready? One, Two, Three... DUUUUUUHHHHH!!!!!

Some people never understand that government regulation and intervention will ALWAYS lead to higher prices or shortages. ALWAYS.

Why wasn't the NYT talking about this a YEAR ago, BEFORE the legislation was passed, so more Americans could be informed? The information was out there!

Take a glance at this, written by our main man, El G Grande in APRIL of 2007!

Government: Enemy of Freedom -- Here are some examples of politicians at work undermining your liberty and prosperity

First, check out the audacity and arrogance of NH Congressman Paul Hodes. Gee, d'ya think the power might be going to his head, or was his head always full of ego?

It's all about parasitism. Hodes would like us all to be hyenas.

Then there is the simple tale of a man who had the "license" plates of his car stolen. Said "license" plates were then attached to another car, which was driven through a NH State toll booth without the driver paying.

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