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Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years
He was the only one in that military court who upheld his oath to defend the US Constitution. He was the only one who fulfilled his promise to comform to the Geneva Accords by reporting war crimes. He had an obligation to report, and he did. His superiors did nothing. He went public, showing Americans the crimes the US military was committing in Iraq. Very few people paid any attention.
He is a hero, not a criminal. Both morally and legally, Bradley Manning did the right thing. This action by the "court" indicates how far astray the US government is from any form of legality.
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Before Killed, Michael Hastings Was Reportedly Ready to Expose CIA Director John Brennan
Recall that Brennan was the architect and chief 'counsel' for Obama's murderous drone campaign (which still continues, killing 49 in Yemen in the last eleven days).
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Obama's Sleight of Hand on Realty Market: "We need to get Fannie n' Freddie out (and expand direct fed subsidies)."
Leave it to politicians to tell you they are decreasing the amount of government intervention, when, in fact, they are increasing it.
Case in point. President Obama speaking in Arizona, telling people he plans to 'phase out' Fannie and Freddie (both government-created corporations made to artificially increase demand for residential and business buildings, and both supported by federal bailouts). he tells people he's interested in getting the government out of housing. But what he WANTS, if one reads his proposal, is for Fannie and Freddie to pay the federal government money that will be combined with DIRECT federal house-buying aid. It is not a decrease in federal involvement in any way. It's an increase.
Read on, MacDuff!
US Drug Enforcement Getting Spy Info on US Citizens, Trying to Cover It Up
Anyone surprised? So let's see. The so-called "war on drugs" is anti-constitutional and interferes with private association/contract. The spying programs run in contravention of the 4th Amendment and are being done by anti-constitutional agencies within the Executive Branch.
But this news is getting very little coverage.
Probably too many episodes of "The Bachelor" for people to catch up with on their DVRs.
And the so-called "reporters" are too busy trying to get into dinners at the White House.
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CIA Leaks Reveal What Libertarians Have Reported for Months, US Embassy in Libya Was Trafficking Arms to Syria
The attack was instigated after US involvement in the overthrow of Gaddafi and subsequent use of Libya as a launch-point for destabilization of Syria. And guess what? The Feds are trying to cover it up.
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Snowden Granted Asylum by Russian Government
The White House Press Secretary's response is that Mr. Snowden is "not a whistleblower", but a criminal. As Orwell said: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
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Manning's Sentence Might Be Short
Glenn Greenwald is an amazing reporter. Good for him getting this info out.
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Feds Tell Web Firms To Turn Over User Passwords
Declan McCullagh does great work. Good for him uncovering this. The question is, will the majority of Americans care?
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Reason Magazine's Ronald Bailey Offers Good Info: Freedom Is Good for You
Take a look! As long as President Obama allows you...
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USDA Threatens Small-Town Magician Who Owns and Cares for ONE Rabbit
Talk about unconstitutional. Talk about authoritarian. Talk about contrary to freedom and interpersonal ethics...
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Amash Amendment to Defund NSA Spying Program Fails in DC House.
It wasn't even a full-blown defunding, either, just one part of the massive leviathan that is the NSA, yet the Obamites killed it, with help from the McCain crowd. Here's some background info from a few days ago, to let you know what the bill was about:
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Looks Like Snowden May Stay in Russia
Despite the Russian government exhibiting corruption and rights-violations on numerous occasions since the fall of the Berlin Wall, this is a good sign for this man's future. Nice to see he might have a place to stay away from the US hounds.
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Prez Signs Federal Law That Can Crush Protests
No joke. Not even a hint of humor in this.
Good for the Huffpo for posting the information.
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NSA Official Admits: We Spy on Friends of Friends of Friends of Friends
But remember, the issue isn't the wrongdoing of the federal government, it's about the guy who revealed their wrongdoing. Right? Pay no attention to the real issue, just watch the bouncing ball.
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TSA Searching Parked Cars
Nothing less than breaching that Fourth Amendment will satisfy a federal worker...
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TSA Searching Parked Cars
Nothing less than breaching that Fourth Amendment will satisfy a federal worker...
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TSA Searching Parked Cars
Nothing less than breaching that Fourth Amendment will satisfy a federal worker...
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Yahoo Wins Suit to Expose NSA Strong-Arming and Spying
Godo for the Yahoo people. They fought the government when the NSA demanded the allow spying, but they lost. Now, thanks to the exposure Ed Snowden has offered, they've beaten the government in court.
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Administration Issues Executive Order Claiming Power to Control All Communications Systems
Remember those heady days of yor, when leftist democrats used to protest Presidents who attacked civil liberties?
What do we hear now...
Cue crickets.
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