Tales from the Conspiracy

Correction regarding explanation of Red Markets attributed to Rothbard

A correction to comments made in the podcast posed on February 10, 2011.

I mentioned that Murray Rothbard explained the difference between black markets and red markets.  This is just plain wrong, the explanation I attributed to Rothbard should be attributed to Samuel Edward Konkin III in his book "New Libertarian Manifesto."

Sorry about that.

One Bunch of Criminals Prevent Another Bunch Of Criminals From Voting

MPs reject prisoner votes plan

Tonight MPs voted down a plan to give prisoners the vote by a 10 to 0ne majority.
The irony is not lost on me that one bunch of criminals prevent another bunch of criminals from voting.

Did you ever read something that just got you all fired up? :)

I have a friend named Scott that was the first person to ever introduce me to Anarchy. I've been nagging him for months to come here and join. He sent me this today and told me if I'd read this and tell him what I thought, he'd join today. So, I did, and WOW! I love this article. It's one of those "preaching to the choir" things to post it here, but it's just a great article.



Funny Thing About Obama & High Speed Rail

I saw that Gard posted this story on the front page http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41021318/ns/business/


Ironically this side of the ponfd the Tory Led government are proposing to pour billions into building high speed rail http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-12298708


Not denying that this country wouldn't benefit from high speed rail but I'm not sure it should be government paying for it.


Promblem is the French & German governments already have.

Politicians Take The Piss Out Of A Disabled Individual

It really does appear that politicians are prepared to take the piss about a disabled individual even when the disabled individual happens to be one of their own.




I'd add that I too suffer from cerebral palsy & so this does annoy me but it I can't say I'm that surprised

So how personal do they want to get? When does it become too personal?

So, when this cold snap hit, El Paso was prolly the least prepared for it. We are the Sun City for a reason.

Anyway, the public schools have been closed since, I think, Tuesday. Last week it was to coserve power, now it will be closed again tomorrow to conserve water.


The city government of El Paso has put the city under a "water emergency" and are only allowing us to use the water for drinking. If you read the article, it says we can't even shower.

Isn't it a little personal that the Mayor of El Paso can decide that I can't take a shower? Next they are gonna tell me I have to be vaccinated!

...oh wait.

Indirect support of the ideas of liberty?

I've come across people(professors, lecturers, etc) who have a solution to a certain problem that paralells a voluntary solution.

Take for example, Sir Ken Robinson.  He is a creativity expert and has given several lectures on creativity.  His most famous one was at a TED conference a few years back on how schooling destroys creativity in children.  Its quite a good lecture and is definately worth listening to.


Watch this video because its AWESOME!!


An awesome video explaining free market anarchism & pass the link on to your friends

Diaspora*: the Facebook Killer?

I've started using a new social networking site, which allows users to be able to control the content that they create through secure servers and other niceties.

It's been way easier to use than Google Wave was.

The site is in ALPHA testing mode, so it may be a bit buggy.  If you want to try it out, I have 9 invites left.  Inititially, I was given 5, but received 10 more which I am eager to give to people that have objections to FB privacy policies and FB licensing practices regarding content provided by users.

If you want an invite, please send me an e-mail to FURBjr@gmail.com

Ron Paul & Ralph Nader: A Libertarian-Progressive Alliance?



I've always said there's much libertarians & progressives in fact agree about

Ayn Rand's Secret Socialist History



Turns out the author of Objectivism took social security payments under a different name.

Interesting article. Conspirators, what say you?

Do You Think You’ll Ever live A Voluntary Society?

Do you believe that with in your lifetime you’ll live in a fully voluntary society absent any government & how do you think such a society will come into being?


Recently we have all witnessed the masses in Tunisia & Egypt rise up against their rulers & I’m sure there are plenty of libertarians who’ll think this a good thing & though I can understand why many would think it’s a good thing what do people think these uprisings will result in?

A few years ago I remember a libertarian friend of mine getting very excited about the overthrow of a regime in a former Soviet satellite in central Asia, this was until I pointed out to them that the uprising had been whipped up by members of these previous regime.

Mental Illness, a Disease?

I've started reading Insanity: The Idea and its Consequences, a book by Thomas Szasz on so-called mental illness.  So far I've been thoroughly enjoyed it (even if its a bit repetitive) and I find the subject incredibly relevant to liberty, yet underdiscussed.

The Horrible History of Indian Boarding Schools

For all who enjoyed Gard's very interesting episode from January 14, 2011, I came across a piece that I think is an interesting follow-up.  It's a piece in Harper's magazine by Kathy Dobie entitled, "Tiny little laws: A plague of sexual violence in Indian country" (http://harpers.org/archive/2011/02/0083300).  Two points stood out to me in that article:

- how the tribes are significantly deprived from enforcing their own order by the Federales; and,

- how this has likely assisted with the destruction of family and community sentiments.

In addition, I definitely wonder whether the past history of boarding schools and general subjugation of the native Americans probably injected this type of behavior within the community?


Glenn Beck, how far will he go?

I've been listening to Glenn Beck's radio show off and on for a few years.  I've been watching him gradually sliding ever farther down the philisophical slope toward truth.  He's been very good at batting at the branches of the tree of evil.  Pointing out this villian and that.  He's also been chopping at the major branches, for instance seeing the error of WWI leading to WWII etc.   Now he's even hacking at the trunk, talking about restoring focus to the individual, using livestock analogys to discuss rule, saying man can rule himself, and talking about the barriers to freedom being within our own mind.  Today after a year of telling everyone about God, he even said not to let any man tell you anything about God that God does not tell you himself.

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