john lynch

1-23 NH Gov's Socialism

On 1-23-08, Gardner Goldsmith grappled with the reality that the governor of his state is a total and utter smeeeee-heeeeeeed, as Kryten would say.

Check out the analysis of John Lynch’s “state of the state” address, and then take a listen to Gard with a rep from the Center for American Progress, as the leftist tries to battle Gard’s free market mind!

Grab Gard’s book, “Live Free or Die”, at!

11-14: Clinton's Trouble, Lynch's PR, ADA

On November 14, Gardner Goldsmith set course into the wild winds of political adventure by further studying the Hillary Clinton-NY License issue. He also discussed the self-serving and parasitic nature of NH Gov. John Lynch’s filing for federal aid to “help” unemployed paper mill workers. Nothing like trying to make yourself look good at someone else’s expense!

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