
EVIL OIL COMPANIES BEWARE Government Is Coming to Save Americans from You -- A Primer on Economics, with Mryon Ebell of

On Friday, July 28, "Against the Grain" was proud to welcome Myron Ebell, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (, to discuss the impending polemics that will undoubtedly be directed at oil companies for "excessive profits". Interesting term, isn't it?

More, on the Big Dig, and the Resignation of Matt Amarello, with Todd Feinburg, of WRKO Boston

On Thursday, July 27, Todd joined Gardner on "Against the Grain" to discuss the resignation of Mass Turnpike Authority Head Matt Amarello, and the latest on the safety of the tunnels, including the fact that safety concerns were aired years ago.

Many thanks to Todd Feinburg!

The Head of the Big Dig Resigns -- the View from New Hampshire

On Thursday, July 27, Mass Turnpike Authority Head Matt Amarello resigned before he was forced from his position. Load this file to hear the reaction on "Against the Grain" to one of the major stories of the week.

The Big Dig, and Mitt's Mitts -- Seth Cohn Speaks on Cost Overrurns and Tuct Tape

On Monday, July 24, Seth Cohn joined Gardner to discuss his piece in the Concord Monitor's Blog site. he also mentioned that the glorious Big Dig Ceiling Bolts were at times held in place by DUCT TAPE.

For more, visit these sites:

Seth's Piece:

For info on the Duct Tape Tunnels:

The Big Ripoff -- Author Tim Carney Speaks With Gardner Goldsmith on Big Business, Global Warming, and Government Regs

In this, part one of two, Mr. Carney (Warren Brookes fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, contributor to Human Events, and frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC) joins El G Grande to discuss how big businesses use the corrupt political system in Washington to gain benefits at the expense of consumers and competitors.

His new book, "Big Ripoff" is available now!

Remember, there is a distinction between capitalism and mercantilism. Those who denounce capitalism are often misinformed. Freedom and free markets cannot be separated. Freedom requires government to get out of influincing business.

cover of The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your MoneyThe Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money

The Concord Monitior's Seth Cohn Offers More Information on Mitt Romney and the Big Dig

Seth Cohn, well known by supporters of freedom, has an excellent piece, published by the Concord Monitor, which you can view online.

He wants Mitt to keep his "mitts" off money belonging to people in other states. Mitt seems inclined -- no, EXCITED -- to be going after more of your cash in order to fix the deadly government tunnel project in the Boston harbor.

Read Seth's piece here:

More, on the Stem Cell Issue, with Terrey Jeffrey, Editor of 'Human Events'

The fetal stem cell funding bill was vetoed by George Bush -- his first veto. Here, "Human Events" editor, Terry Jeffrey discusses the ramifcations of the Senate vote, just prior to Bush's actions to stop the funding.

For an excellent piece on Senator Bill Frist's prevarication on this issue, go to

Many thanks to Terry Jeffrey.

Senate Votes to Take Money of Americans to Create Humans and Kill Them for Parts -- Pres Vetos

Join Gardner Goldsmith as he covers the issue of fetal stem cell funding from the federal government. This is not only a constitutional issue, but also a moral issue. One can evaluate this issue on two fronts, and come to the conclusion that federal funding for this kind, or any kind of scientific experimentation is unjustified.

More, with Dr. Richard Ebeling, President of the Foundation for Economic Education, on Government Control of the Money Supply

For more on the Foundation for Economic Education, Richard Ebeling, Sheldon Richman, Henry Hazlitt, Leonard Read, FA Hayek, Walter Williams, and many others, please visit

You will be delighted you took a look!

On the Wisdom -sic- of Central Banking, With Richard Ebeling, President of the Foundation for Economic Education

On June 29, 2006, Gardner Goldsmith was joined by Dr. Richard Ebeling, President of the Foundation for Economic Education. FEE, as it is known, is the preeminent free market educational organization in hte United States, and it has been publishing its magazine "The Freeman" for more than half a century. For more information on FEE, on the intellectual movers behind it, the magnificent publications it produces, and the seminars and progrmas it conducts, go to

It is a website rich in resources, including written pieces on economics and limited government, and soud files of some of the best speeches delivered at FEE.

Competition: 'It's Not for Human Beins' -- More on Government Education and Alternatives, with Ian, of 'Free Talk Live'

Gardner and Ian continue their conversation on national and state topics including education and "wellness".

Thanks, Ian.

School 'Wellness' Regulations from the Feds, and more, with Ian of 'Free Talk Live'

On Friday, July 14 (Bastille Day -- Way to make it pay off, France) Ian Bernard, of Free Talk Live ( joined Gardner Goldsmith to discuss many national and state issues. On the agenda was the incredibly brilliant idea of imposing federal "wellness" standards on local school districts.


The Latest on the Big Dig Death, and the NH Phone Jamming Scheme -- With Thanks to Andru Volinski -- What a Guy.

Now that more than 200 bolts were found to be "in danger", and following the death of a mother of three, it migh tbe productive to question the paradigm of federal funding of road projects, or government funding altogether.

Graft, corruption, failed and shoddy work. A deadly combination.

Stated, again, with all due respect to the family of the deceased.

The AMA Pushes for Sofa Tax...

To see more, turn to the AMAZING piece by investigative reporter Gardner Goldsmith, at the Foundation for Economic Education's website...

The Big Dig Tragedy -- With Todd Feinberg of WRKO

With respect to the deseased, we investigate the problem of mispent money, unconstitutional projects, and Congressmen who take our cash for their pet ideas.

Many thanks to Todd Feinberg, who can be heard each weeknight starting at 7 pm, on 680 WRKO, Boston.

State Representative Paul Mirski with Gardner Goldsmith, on Licensing

On Tuesday, July 11, Paul Mirski joined Gardner to discuss the history of licensure, and how it restricts competition, retards economic growth and diminishes freedom.

Big Dig Death -- Are You Glad Your Money Was Used For It...

One woman is dead, and her husband in the hospital, after a 3 tonne section of the Ted Williams Tunnel fell on their car the night of July 10, 2006.

Here is the rest of the story...

This was something that should not have happened, both in the specific case of this death, and in the general issue of the Big Dig funding itself. Two years ago, the Foundation for Economic Education published a piece by Gardner Goldsmith on the Big Dig. The link is here:

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