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White House Knew Immediately That Attack on US Embassy Wasn't Inspired By Video
No kidding. We've been trying to tell people this for weeks. How shocking to discover that people might attack Americans, not because of a video that means nothing to most people, but because those AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED IN THE OVERTHROW OF A GOVERNMENT AND THE SUPPLY OF WEAPONS THAT KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS. Total surprise.
But the Obama Admin tried its feckless approach to claim that the attack had something to do with a cheap video on Youtube. How stupid do they think you area?
Trucker Defies US Border Fascism 30 Miles Inside US Land
Watch the vid embedded on the page, pass it on to friends. The more familiar people are with the method of resistance, the more success we will have at maintaing our rights.
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Great Champion of Liberty, Russell Means, Has Passed Away
Mr. Means was a Titan for freedom. He never gave up the fight against the opporessive forces of the state. Rest in peace, great Sioux warrior for peace...
Video (one of many great vids featuring or produced by Mr. Means.):
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Obama and Romney Playing with Info Re Oil Drilling and Production
Here is the vid of that portion of the "debate" from David Hassle-Hofstra University. Scroll to about 7 min in to hear them "debate" about energy...
And here is some fact-checking by our friends at Reason...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Left-Wing Statist Us Unaware of Federal Kill List?
Hard to believe. She's either profoundly ignorant, or a liar. Which do you prefer?
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Questioners in 10-16 US Prez debate Face Tax Increases of Almost Five Grand
Since Candy Crowley will decide which questions get asked, it's unlikely the number of questions about gubment taxation and spending that would have been asked WILL be asked.
Enjoy the double-speak tonight!
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Gitmo Trial Shows Descent of US Rule of "Law"
Some notes for the "Constitutionalists" out there...
First, the accused terrorists are supposed to be tried under US criminal code, not in a trumped-up "military tribunal". There is no Declaration of War, which means those accused of wrongdoing cannot be tried for War Crimes, as agreed to by US treaties.
Second, the fact that it remains "unanswered" whether or not the accused can present in court how they were allegedly TORTURED?
Need we say more?
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A Reminder for Both Major US Political Parties - You Keep Screwing Up The Economy
Clarke and Dawe handled this years ago, and could do the same for the current President...
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Hey, So-Called Middle Class in US: Do You Like Higher Taxes? 'Cause They're Comin'
Yeah, the current Prez is supposedly your paladin. Keep grinning as you pay.
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Homeland Insecurity Fusion Centers Spy on US Citizens and Are Useless, Says Report
They are also unconstitutional and immoral.
But hey, far be it for us to actually bring up those tiny points.
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US QE3 Signals Deepening Credit Crisis for US Gubment
It's still a few quarters off, thanks to the ECB and their own insane expansionist monetary policies, but the collapse of the Dollar is inevitable.
Never trust a government with control of the medium of exchange.
Never trust a government. This axiom has been borne out by history.
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Report: Fed Funding "Virtually ALL US Deficit"
We already knew this, but the numbers are staggering.
When you are not free to choose the currency you want to use for you rpeaceful exchanges with others in the market, you are not a free person. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury of the US control your money. You are not free.
They also destroy the value, ie buying power, of your money. What is coming will be an economic disaster. Make sure you have precious metals.
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Superior Grants Obama DOJ Request, Blocks BLOCK of NDAA Indef Detention
Anyone surprised?
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DHS Orders 200 Million More Rounds - Many Sniper Rounds
Something very strange is going on. This can no longer be denied. Despire the fact that these purchases are for a four-year period, when one combines them with the previous purchases, and sees how the DHS is witholding and retracting information on the rationales as to why the purchases are being made, one cannot easily procude a logical explanation.
How about that "openness" in gubment we kept hearing touted in 2008?
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Surprise! Fed Appeals Court Reinstates Indefinite Detention Portion of NDAA
Nothing like that Writ of Habeas Corpus, huh?
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CA Med Fascism Exchange to Spend 900,000 Bucks on Propaganda Including TV Stories
Wow. Read down a few paragraphs. Any self-respecting writer should reject this idea...
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Things They Would Prefer You Never Learn About Current Prez and Gitmo
The emotional letter written by an innocent man held at Gitmo by Bush and Obama...
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US Credit Rating Downgraded AGAIN
Anyone surprised?
Anyone still operating under the religious belief that the government or a bank cartel given the sole power to deal with the interest rate, should have control over the money supply? Anyone? Beuller?
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As We Predicted on Radio Last Night, The Federal Reserve Will Expand Its Inflationary Activities
The members of the Fed "board" know that the European Central Bank is going to begin a new phase of money-creation, thus devaluing the Euro. This will make the Dollar look more valuable in comparison (this is a mirage, but that will be revealed as price increases blossom in the USA next year due to all the fake money created by the Fed and US gubment here). This, in turn, will make US exporters angry (look for all sorts of talk about a widening so-called "trade deficit"). Thus, part of the rationale (it is incorrect and immoral) of the Fed is to lower the value of the Dollar in order to maintain US exports.
This has already been tried. Beginning in late 2001, early 2002, the Fed pursued its policy of near zero interest rates. Here is the article about it:
US Fed Judge Rules Indefinite Detention Aspect of NDAA Unconstitutional
At least SOMEBODY in that corrupt body is upholding his oath to abide by the Constitution. If this reaches the Supreme Court, it might be a different matter...
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