New Hampshire

Libertarian Party Chair John Babiarz Takes Ballot Access to NH Supreme Court

On Friday, July 21, Libertarian State Party Chair John Babiarz appeared in the NH Supreme Court to present the case for the party regarding ballot access. The 4% threshhold codified years ago for parties to attain ballot status is being challenged. Hear John report to Gardner on the court appearance, and the responses of the justices, from "Against the Grain".

Senate Votes to Take Money of Americans to Create Humans and Kill Them for Parts -- Pres Vetos

Join Gardner Goldsmith as he covers the issue of fetal stem cell funding from the federal government. This is not only a constitutional issue, but also a moral issue. One can evaluate this issue on two fronts, and come to the conclusion that federal funding for this kind, or any kind of scientific experimentation is unjustified.

Competition: 'It's Not for Human Beins' -- More on Government Education and Alternatives, with Ian, of 'Free Talk Live'

Gardner and Ian continue their conversation on national and state topics including education and "wellness".

Thanks, Ian.

School 'Wellness' Regulations from the Feds, and more, with Ian of 'Free Talk Live'

On Friday, July 14 (Bastille Day -- Way to make it pay off, France) Ian Bernard, of Free Talk Live ( joined Gardner Goldsmith to discuss many national and state issues. On the agenda was the incredibly brilliant idea of imposing federal "wellness" standards on local school districts.


State Representative Paul Mirski with Gardner Goldsmith, on Licensing

On Tuesday, July 11, Paul Mirski joined Gardner to discuss the history of licensure, and how it restricts competition, retards economic growth and diminishes freedom.

Dr. Terry Bennett Beats the State, Keeps His License. A Conversation With One of His Attys

On July 7, Benjamin King, an attorney representing Dr. Terry Bennett, spoke with Gardner Goldsmith about the case, freedom of speech, markets, and licensing.

Many thanks to Mr. King.

NH Second District Congressman, Charlie 'Three Terms' Bass, Advertises Ignorance, and a New Definition of 'Independence'

Over the Independence Day weekend, radio stations around New Hampshire aired thirty second commercials for Charles bass, the man who promised he would only run for three terms, and who is now running for his sixth. In the spots, "Charlie" is heard defining "independence", which, in an example of post-modernist, deconstructionist, leftist linguistics he defines to fit his agenda.

Like many people who heard his commercials, Gardner Goldsmith recognized the fallacies in them, and the verbal sleight of hand used by Charlie and his PR staff.

This is part one of two.

More on Andru Volinski -- Man of Limitless Integrity

It's time to offer the BAD ATTITUDE Award for excellence in being closed-minded.

Thank you VERY much, Andru. Gard anticipated your appearance on "Against the Grain", and he was not disappointed.

Class in Action -- Atty. Adru Volinski, Claremont Lawsuit Lawyer, Hangs Up on "Against the Grain"!

A Conspiracy First! Andru Volinski, the lead attorney behind the lawsuits that have wrought havoc in NH for over a decade, that have pitted town against town in a never-ending cycle of large-scale plunder and redistribution of wealth, hung up the phone on Gardner Goldsmith Friday, June 24.

The subject was whether the government can define what is an "adequate" education, and whether adequacy is, by its nature, a subjective term.

Andru was... reluctant to address the reality of it. (Smile)

The 'Progressive' perspective on Immigration, Part Two of Two, with Bill Fletcher

Concluding our conversation with Mr. Fletcher, formerly of Tran Africa and the AFLCIO.

Immigration, from the 'Progressive' Perspective, With Bill Fletcher, Jr. Former President of Trans Africa, and AFLCIO Advocate

The issue of immigration bubbles under the surface, as Congressmen and Senators find it impossible to agree on a new "immigration reform" bill.

While the politicians may think people are not watching them closely, such a view would be sadly mistaken. Bill Fletcher and Gardner Goldsmith discussed the view of the pro-union, "progressive" side in this debate. This is part one of two of this fascinating conversation.

For more information, see this story:

The Institute for Justice -

The Institute for Justice is the premiere free-market, pro-constitution legal organization of its kind. The staff works with great diligence to combat encroachments into our liberties. Most recently, the IJ picked up the case of, a Massachusetts internet company that lists photos of peoples' homes for sale. The company is being accused of breaking the NH real estate licensing laws, and the IJ is going to take on the NH attorney general and Real Estate Commission on First Amendment grounds.

"Against the Grain" on Honest Debate and Federal Marriage Amendment

Picking up from his conversation with Karen Testerman, of Cornerstone Policy Research, Gard offers the radio producer's perspective on the "Marriage Amendment", and the arguments offered in favor of it.

Where "Against the Grain" Stands on Civics, NH Education Issues, and Liberty

This is a segment which Gardner Goldsmith devoted to spell out precisely why people need to stand on principle when it comes to civics and politics.

The Claremont education issue is a great example of where politicians and judges did not stand on principle, nor abide by the NH Constitution.

More, Debating Government Sanctioned Marriage

Gardner and Karen Testerman continue their conversation about the "Marriage Amendment".

Look soon for Gardner's piece on the Senate actions. Go to the Ludwig von Mises Institute,

President Bush on 'The Most Democratic' Way for People to Decide about Marriage, with Karen Testerman

"Against the Grain" welcomed Karen Testerman, of Cornerstone Policy Research ( to discuss the vote in the US Senate on the "Marriage Amendment", and to chat about President Bush's statements on the issue.

The conversation became... Animated.

Dr. Sam Blumenfeld on Government-Created Illiteracy

Sam Blumenfeld, who is one of the most respected scholars on the subject of education, joined Gardner on May 29 to discuss the growing problem of illiteracy in the US. The illiteracy problem grows, despite increased tax expenditures and bureaucracy -- or perhaps because of it.

This part one of an extended interview with Dr. Blumenfeld. The rest will appear here soon. Stay tuned!

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