Issues to Watch for November 7, 2005

Monday brings a new work week, and a new week of watching the politicos work at attenuating our liberties, through the regulation of our lives, the seizure of our cash, or the restriction of our speech.

Case in Point:

The NH Union Leader reports that State Legislators are being reimbursed for trips that they loosely define as part of their governmental functions. (Article: here) One representative is not enamored with this practice. His name is John Gibson, of Merrimack, and he is interested in limiting how much each legislator can spend on travel.

Massachusetts has passed a law that will force businesses that do not provide health insurance for their employees to pay a tax which would be used to fund this coverage. It would also require all citizens of MA to carry health insurance. The twisted idea underlying this action is that "we all pay" for someone else's mistakes when he or she becomes unhealthy and has to go into a hospital. The statists excuse further encroachment into our personal lives to regulate our activity by saying the same thing, and then they take money from others to set up socialized insurance schemes which alter the proper functioning of what should be a private market. Under a free society, no one shoudl be forced to pay for the health care of anyone else. This is not only the ethical thing to do, it also preserves the sanctity of the amrket, and prevents charges from being pushed onto others, which inspires higher demand from those who do not pay the full freight for their bills, and increases inflation in health care costs. Our health care system will do the way of the Brontosaurus if we continue on this big-government path. Hey, Mass... ready to see more refugees leave yrou state to come to NH? It'll happen, baby.

PS France is Burning. Does anyone care about this situation that the socialists in the Baguette Nation have brought on themselves? We ought to, really. Innocent people are being hurt, and it is a lesson for us here in the US. Don't let political correctness and socialism get out of hand, because you'll get a disenfranchised underclass of welfare recipients who will be impossible to control when a spark ignites hatred. Umeployment in thos eareas of the worst rioting is above 40%, private property is not respected, and individual initiative is discouraged, all across the country. Vive le France!

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Every human being must find his own way to cope with severe loss, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method he chooses. - Reba Rambo-McGuire