Feds and Recording Companies Intent on Imposing a "Performance" or "Radio Play Tax" on Broadcast Stations

Another scion of the unconstitutional and corrupt federal ownership of the airwaves: This new story of a proposed tax on radio stations that play recorded music. Funny thing is that the radio stations ALREADY pay royalties to ASCAP and BMI in order to "get permission" top play that stuff. Now, since the record companies are running into the financial losses that reflect reality that government-imposed copyright laws can't hold back the tide of private property owners wanting to share their purchases with others, the record industry wants to get the cash in another way.

They would be wise to leave it be. First of all, the recording industry won't see much of the money, it will be spent on other things that the politicians like more, and even if it IS divvied up to the companies, there will be political strings attached -- watch out freedom of expression and punk rock (you thought the fed reaction to Janet Jackson's stupid Stuperbowl stunt in 2004 was nuts?! Watcht what they do to those who back anarchy)! Second, the tax will force many radio stations to shut down. Simple.

Enjoy! Ya gotta lub gubment! By the way, this info is from the National Association of Broadcasters, so be aware of the source.
