Author and Former Presidential Candidate David Bergland on the Principles of Liberty

David Bergland, the 1984 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, and author of the famous book "Libertarianism in One Lesson" spoke with Gardner Goldsmith on January 10, 2006. The conversation covered the fundamentals of the freedom philosophy, and how it works in practice. Hear Mr. Bergland in this, and the second part of the conversation on "Against the Grain". For more information on Mr. Bergland, his work, and the work of his associates, go here: or turn to the more detailed link provided in our links section...

cover of Libertarianism in One Lesson: Why Libertarianism Is the Best Hope for America's FutureLibertarianism in One Lesson: Why Libertarianism Is the Best Hope for America's Future
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Posted on: May 11, 2015 - 11:26pm #1

Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness. - Paramount Song