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Is America Finished?

Like all great operas there is a beginning middle and end. Rumblings about America's operatic decline continue. In recent times it has lingered in the media echo chamber, even after the Don Giovanni crescendo of 2008.

Though the discourse of the immediate post GFC period has been concerned with interlocking partisan debates about whether Neo-liberalism or Keynesianism was the right course, the country and the world continues to flounder.

Thank You Gard for Recommending "Free Market Environmentalism"...

I just wanted to post a thank you to Gard for recommending Terry Lee Anderson's book "Free Market Environmentalism" in your 4/26/2012 LibertyConspiracy podcast.

You had explained the free market/liberty based solutions to environmental issues so extremely well in that podcast, so when you recommended Anderson's book I made sure to find a used copy ASAP.

I've only just started the book but I can already see what a valuable work it is on the subject.

Gold & a social credit system

Hey gard - first time user . I have been reading a lot about how any monetary system needs gold as a backing . Why is gold neccessary , as I have been reading a lot of negatives concerning a gold standard . For instance , there simply isn't enough gold in the world to satisfy the worlds population ( this would , therefore , lead to a dangerous deflation ) , also , the central banks of the world are purposely manipulating gold prices so they can confiscate as much fiat money as possible , then drop the prices to buy back all the gold . Since there is only a small amount of known gold reserves , some feel the mining is dangerous & would cause exploitation of the resource .

Interview Request


I am contacting you on behalf of liberty activist and successful self-published author and agorist, Tarrin Lupo. I was hoping to be able to set up and interview with him on Liberty Conspiracy to talk about his activism and success as an author.

Ten of his 14 books have made the top 10 selling books on Amazon and his activism includes, but is not limited to, liberty podcasts like Wheels Off Liberty, local liberty oriented news services, agorism, Porcfest, conferences and is a member of the Free State Project.

Please contact me to set up an interview.  Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon!

Podcast Versus Radio Show

Well gard asked for our opinions about whether we prefer the podcast or live radio show.

Considering that the radio show doesn’t start until 3am British time (4am in continental Europe) I’d speculate that those of in Europe prefer the podcast

Guest/Topic Request

I think it would be awesome if you invited Mary Ruwart on to talk about IP.  As you may be aware, Dr. Ruwart holds a couple of patents on medical devices.  Other interesting people on my list of people I'd like to hear on the subject are as follows:

1. L. Neil Smith (he recently released a vampire novel).  He seems to be out of step with the recent shift in popular libertarian thought on this topic.

2. Tarrin Lupo, author of several ebooks, and The Pirates of Savannah, which he has been remarkable successful in marketing despite putting the book directly into the public domain.

Manifest Destiny

In Gard's 2011-01-14 podcast he mentions that Manifest Destiny, as a concept of expanding the territorial boundaries from the Atlantic to the Pacific originated in the 1840's.  I think that is probably incorrect.

Common Sense back, by Thomas Paine was originally published on January 10, 1776.  I read it in 2002 as part of a book club I was involved with.  It was pointed out to me by my brilliant brother in-law that Manifest Destiny is talked about quite a bit.

Here are some thoughts recorded from that time.

New! Liberty Conspiracy Party Line

Hey all:

As Gard wants to do roundtable discussions with CABAL members, I have set up a conference call system for the conspiracy.

When Gard schedules a discussion, at the appointed time do the following:

On your telephone call 661.673.8600

then enter 135215# to enter the conference

That will allow you to participate in the conference.

The system is set up so that the calls can be recorded.

Question posed by Gard in his 2010-10-24 podcast

Gard asked what "druthers" are in his podcast entitled Political Science v. Liberty.


As I am prone to look for precision in language, I looked it up.  This is what I found.

the right or chance to choose; "given my druthers, I'd eat cake"



Country first : Mccane, USA, Spain

Hi everybody from Spain.


First of all I like liberty conspiracy and others libertarian podcasts and radios. I agree with most libertarian issues, however in USA you can practice freedom because is a united country, dont forget this very important task. One country, united, with a very good army forces, cop force and a constitution as a limit to the politicians.


Defending McShite

in response to the last podcast about proposing thegovernment controls eating habits you might be interested in something I wwrote sometime ago on the issue


Defending McShite

don’t need anybody to munch their way thorough the McDonalds menu to tell me that if you constantly eat McDonalds it ain’t going to be good for you.

I really don’t need a 90 minute documentary where Morgan Spurlock eats McDonalds for an entire month to prove McDonalds sells shite.

What's happening To The Liberty Line?

We haven't heard liberty Line Pod for agaes & I'm just wondering as to why?



Principled defense of reputation?

This is a question I've been pondering for a while.  In a truly free market, your reputation is your livlihood -- there is no other way for someone to know with whom they are dealing other than the past experiences of other customers.  At the same time, your reputation is not something you own (I think anyway), it exists as the sum total of the experiences of other people.  Given those two things, how would you handle something like a deliberate campaign to destroy your reputation? 

Patents and other intellectual property


I've heard you object to patents and other intellectual property at Liberty Forum but never got the reasons.  I've read heart-rending articles about families torn apart when one member sues someone or is sued over an alleged infringement, but that is a personal issue, or an issue of "the big guy throwing his weight around - just because he can."


As a person who has the utmost respect for the Constitution, surely you realize that such protection is there.  From Article I, section 8: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"


Rountable on The Prisoner?

Once the the full series of the remake of The Prisoner has been shown this side of the pond how about organizing a podcast the basis of which would be a roundtable discussion via skype about why its shite compared to the original

What’s Happened To The Phone Pod?

Last weekend Furb told me that he was working on a phone pod & that it was probably going to be up by the end of the weekend.


When a phone pod wasn’t posted by Wednesday I then asked Gard what was occurring in regards to a phone pod, he emailed me saying it be up in the next few days, well here we are a few days later & still no phone pod posted.


I don’t want to be pushy about this or come over sounding like one selfish cunt but I’ve recorded a ton of stuff on the liberty line due to there being a general election going on here & the consequence of which I thought should be aired etc.


Geolibertarian Podcast

I’m sure the majority of folk here might have heard the geolibertarian podcast Gasrd & I did with Ed Joyce.


I’m sure there are plenty of libertarians who’d want to challenge a few things Ed stated.


Well I was going to go up to London today & do a follow up interview with Ed but I’m just getting over the flu & I’m still feeling pretty shite so I’ve had to postpone.


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