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Country first : Mccane, USA, Spain
Hi everybody from Spain.
First of all I like liberty conspiracy and others libertarian podcasts and radios. I agree with most libertarian issues, however in USA you can practice freedom because is a united country, dont forget this very important task. One country, united, with a very good army forces, cop force and a constitution as a limit to the politicians.
Everyone has the right to a nationality, is an article of the human´s rights declaration 1948; Why is a human right? The answer is country first, exactly what Mccane said in a recent speech; and I agree whit him. Whitout a country, Where is your liberty? Where are your rights if you live in a tyrannical nation? The libertarians speak too much of freedom and they forget the country, the union of men and women in mutual agreement to enhance personal and defence themselves against enemies.
As I live in Spain, currently hardcore socialism country whith separatists (also socialists) in different areas of Spain the individual liberties are poor. Our president, Mr Zapatero said Spain is relative, nation not fixed but depends on the negotiotion. Can you believe it? Divided country is the right path to tirany yet civil war. Where would be liberty then? Where? Country first.
I will give you examples of our civil liberties and rights:
1. Are you a father? Well, if you have a daughter between 16-18 year old and become pregnant, she can abort (kill her baby i dont know if abort is the right word) whitout your knowledge. What will happen if a girl die in surgery? Who claim to? Hardcore socialism
2. If you live in Galicia, Basque Country, Cataluña, Baleares, all regions of Spain with separatists parties, and you want your son studie in Spanish at school, is IMPOSSIBLE. I have read a post here in the forum about speak spanish is not a crime yet. Well, come to Spain and I tell you if it is a crime or not. For example, in Cataluña if you have your own restaurant you must have all your documents, advertises, publicity in Catalan (or Catalan and Spanish) and if you write in Spanish only, you will get a ticket up to 100 000 euros in punishment. The state in your own bussines, in your underwear dress. You don´t choose the language of your bussines, nor to write nor to speak to your customers, becuase the " right" of the customer in being attend in his language. A police state.
Here some civil associations fighting against all that stuff, they all defend freedom to choose the school language, because Spanish is forbbiden, a cirme?
One final cuestion: Is the free state project an example of country first?
Best regards
No way. The Free State Project is definately NOT country first. As a matter of fact, what it stands for is minimal government, if any at all is necessary. And if there must be government, it should be for protecting our rights and property, not for..well all the crap it does now.
It should not be creating money, interfering in the free market or stealing from it's citizens via taxation.
I was going to direct you to their website, but it seems to be down so I can't get you too much info from there, but I managed to grab this off the cached version.
"What the Free State Project is... The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent, that government exists at most to protect people's rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else."
Check it out when it gets back up.
Jackie Fiest
No way. The Free State Project is definately NOT country first. As a matter of fact, what it stands for is minimal government, if any at all is necessary. And if there must be government, it should be for protecting our rights and property, not for..well all the crap it does now.
Really? Think about it. As individual person nobody can achieve the small government goal, so it is necesary to join 20 000 people in specific area (New Hampshire) and time (now, liberty in our lifetime) to form a "new country" which protects your property and whith small government. Country first, this is it, I am afraid. Nevertheless, it is a great idea.
They aren't trying to form a new country. One reason why New Hampshire was chosen as the place for the Free State Project is because they already like the way it's is set up, for the most part anyway. There is no plan for New Hampshire to try to pull from the union or anything. Did you read the website where they discuss these things or are you generalizing based on looking in from the outside?
I did not know that was happening in Spain. Its simular in Quebec, but not as extreme, where all businesses are required to have at least 50% of their signs in French.
I personally believe man is born natural "rights". There is a nice little flash program that explains these basic rights called the Philosophy of Liberty. Gard has a link on the front page I believe.
Here is a question for you: What does it mean for a country to be united? From what I can tell, Germany was united under Hitler, but this didn't allow them to practice freedom. So what really allows people to practice freedom?
The problem in placing country first is that personal values must be sacrificed. If you believe that action A is wrong, yet the government is performing action A, aren't you sacrificing your own convictions for the sake of country first?
Think about World War 1, the Christmas time stories in the trenches. Both sides called a truce (locally), and met up to celebrate. They stopped killing each other for that one day. Then the following day, the killing continued. Country first?
Nazi Germany was a tyrannical country without rights and personal freedom. After the war, became divided in two: west and democratic Germany with two different phylosophies of country, capitalism and socialism. Look at democratic germany, bad country poor liberties until the destruction of the wall which it meant new country and the restitution of freedom to the same people.
I'm just saying a united country does not mean more freedoms. I need to do some research into post-WWII Germany to make an accurate statement. All that I know is that West Germany (under the thumb of Western Europe) was heavily subsdized under the Marshall plan and what I remember of airdrops being made into Eastern Germany during the Cold War. And I also don't know what West Germany gained by the wall being torn down.
There seems to be an unending brutal cycle of oppression,revolution, new gov't, complacentcy, oppression, revolution....
I think techonology and the advancement of modes of communication have done more to generate freedom than any government possibility could. Look at printing press and he it allowed Martin Luther to help people escape the grasp of the Vatican. Would it have been possible without bibles being placed into individuals' hands? While some may not view this as free as they wished to be, going from taking all your religious views from a man thousands of miles away to having the book in your own pocession to read is quite an improvement. The same can be said about the internet and newsprint (of course the newspaper today are just terrible). The internet has become an even greater force to use for freedom due to user output/blogging.
All forms of the state are oppressive, because the abstract notion of the state (ie government, ie 'country') is predicated on majority sanctioned and law-backed theft. Behind that theft is the presumption that agents of the state can hurt you if you don't pay them what they demand.
Since all forms of state government are oppressive, then when looking at the state, one can see that different states utilize different levels and forms of oppression. Uniting voluntarily with others is not akin to state force, it is voluntary action, so even if it grows to become large, all members join voluntarily and the system competes with other systems or the potential that other systems will arise if people are dissatisfied.
The members of the Free State Project are not all free market anarchists like I am, or like Jackie is. Some are small government libertarians, and they felt a glimmer of hope when looking at the NH Constitution (which only grants very limited powers to the state and actually has in it the reservation of the right to revolt) and the small level of government at the time NH was chosen for the FSP. NH has changed a lot since then. It is much more socialistic and oppressive than it was, and the members of the FSP hope to change that.
All forms of the state are oppressive,
What about a state of bliss?
Try pain killers & weed you'll soon find it ;)
Thank you everybody for your answers. From now I will use this topic to communicate the situation in Spain, our liberties and issues that I think would interest to this forum.
Near 5 million unemployed people, debt, deficit. More? Yes, more. 350 000 euros per year in translation in our Senate, not to use the English, French or Chinese but to translate the Vascuence, Gallego, Catalán when all senators speak Spanish, our common language. This is one of the consecuencies of the separatism; remember country first or madness, insane goverment.
I think gg is full of bull.
Are you kidding, or serious? And if serious, how so?
If anybody is interested in the "Spanish Revolution" I will explain what is happening. But in advance...this is a result, a consecuence of country not first, but last. The people in the streets are all of them left minded, and separatists.
Recently we have celebrated major eleccions, and we have legalized a terrorist party, hadrcore separatists. One trial, the supreme proclamed the terrorists quality of that party, and afterward other trial called "constitutional" legalized them by 51% (political trial, mainly socialist whit one separatist also). The socialist party is currently negotiating whit the terrorists, in fact is a surrender of the state to the terrorists(also socialists). You can read searching in google "chivatazo faisan"
I don´t know how will it end all this stuff, but we have a very recent civil war 1936-39 and it is still alive.
The actual crisis will deploy its energy when the conservative party will win the next general elections (Up to next march is the target date). Yoy will see.
I'm interested in what you're reporting. At what point would you consider leaving Spain and moving elsewhere?