General Talk

Gard, I have a minor disagreement with you on your immigration analysis.


Great "immigration" podcast.  I agree with you that immigration laws are unconstitutional.  I also appreciate that you present an argument to conservatives and constitutionalists on their own terms.  Too many of our fellow ancaps argue with cons/const's from only moral principle.  Now for my disagreement.  You mentioned Article 1, Section 9.  You mentioned that the article had to do with slavery.  That article mentions persons with a capital P.  Slaves were not considered persons.  But this whole line of argument gets into Spooner's thesis in "The Unconstitutionality of Slavery".


Cambodian Gov't Hinders Protection of Giant Catfish

My four year old found a video about the Cambodian Giant Catfish.

The video provides a brief overview of the activities and exploits of a man interested in keeping the Giant Catfish from going exstinct.  Let us presume for a moment that the man has, as his funding source, only acquired voluntary donations.  I doubt this highly, and the video does state that the man is now working with the Cambodian gov't.

Tattooed for FREEEEEDOM!

Hey all,

Just thought I'd post a couple of pics of my latest tattoo - a piece of script based on the Wiccan Rede (and mantra for freedom), 'An' it harm none, do what ye will'. I'm not a wiccan, but I feel this is a wonderful absolute to live life by and pretty much the fundamental building block of anarchistic living:

Inked on New Years Eve by Snoopy, Glengormley, Northern Ireland.

Sorry the pics are a little unclear!




Walter Williams is no friend of liberty

I just got done listening to Walter Williams substituting for Rush Limbaugh.  I know a lot of libertarians try to count him as one of our own, but they are dead wrong.  As usual, he was prattling on about the role of government in a free society and how it's wrong to initiate force.  In addition, he did his normal routine about how this law and that law are unconstitutional.  Nowhere in his criticism today, or ever before, have I ever heard him take on the warfare state.  He even had a column some time back defending Abu Ghariab (I'll get the link later).  To top it off, he had statist Sen.

Single Payer is a misnomer

We shouldn't let progressives get away with using the term Single Payer Health Care.  Under such a program, everyone who pays taxes pays.  The term Single Payer shows how progressives view the government.  For them, government is a bottomless pit of money that comes from the ether.

My (failed) attempt to reach out to progressives.

My recent foray into the message board has lead me to conclude that progressives are hopeless.  A few months ago, I registered for in the hopes of bring progressives over to the libertarian dark side.  As an aside, I don't care much for Thom Hartmann.  He interviewed FTL's Ian during the Ron Paul campaign.  Instead of asking him questions about the campaign and why Ian was supporting Paul, he deviated into a discussion of anarchism.  I thought it was very dishonest.  He also did a similar thing with Andrew Napolitano.

Call for submissions re: pop/ academia anthology re: 'The Prisoner'


I spotted this on the Permuted Press forums and thought of you all!

Gard mentioned in recent Ridley Report

Dave brings up an interesting idea of having protesters at the ready.

Government Incredibly Inefficent at Drug war in Mexico

They only managed to block 3 million of 25 billion(I'm curious where this number came from).  And I wonder why this article also didn't discuss how much money was spent on preventing 3 million from going to Mexico.

Hello from a newbie

Hello all.  I'm a newbie here, having been recently turned onto the site by co-conspirator LysanderSpooner.  So far I've been a lurker, but I thought I'd solicit your thoughts on this "Critiques of Libertarianism" (  Have any of you seen this guy Mike Huben before?  He offers many so-called refutations of libertarianism, and I'm trying to come up with some refutations to his refutations.

Thanks, stevo

Hey all...

Just a quick message to say sorry I haven't been around in a bit.

I've been working hard on the old writing, and should have some wonderful news on that front to announce real soon.

Anyway, good to see a few more people join the fun (welcome to the newbies!) and I hope to be around more often, if you will all have me :) 


The Day a Rugby Game Healed A Nation

I remember when I was a kid growing up first in South Africa & then in Britain I wondered why it was that I never saw a South Africa never played England or Australia at Rugby.

Of course back then I didn't know what apartheid was & when I started to understand what apartheid was & how much of an unjust system it was I certainly did support the sporting boycott imposed because of the apartheid regime.

But though I believed apartheid was totally evil as racism generally is, I still secretly wanted the Springbok to take to the rugby field & beat the crap of England. Like Australia; South Africa is a sports mad country & rugby to my family is practically a religion & so it hurt not to be able to compete on the international scene.

When Do Protesters Ever Demonstrate For Greater Authoritarianism? Apparently Today In Copenhagen & Around The Globe!

Usually when people usually do protests & demonstrations they doing so in some kind of rebellion against authoritarian. Nazis & religious nuts who are authoritarians, but even when they do protesting & demonstrating they're doing so against what they perceive as authoritarianism whether it's cabal of Jewish bankers controlling the world economy or secular governance.

But the protests occurring in Copenhagen, London & elsewhere today are in fact protests purely for more authoritarianism. Yeah these aren't protests against the outcome of the Climate Conference being held in Copenhagen, being too authoritarian but in fact because the outcome is likely not be authoritarian enough.

The BBC’s Copenhagen Bias

With the Climate Change conference going on in Copenhagen the BBC has been giving a greater share of programming towards the whole Climate Change debate.

Well to be more specific the BBC has been broadcasting programmes which have been giving all credence towards the argument that Climate Change is man made & that we do this, that & the other to avert it; but where as the BBC has been broadcasting a load of programmes in association with the Copenhagen conference going on, which propagate that Climate Change is man made, there has been no programming to the counter argument that Climate Change isn't man made.

Irish Abortion Laws To be Challenged

One law at least I agree with

Murder of a human being born or unborn is murder

3 years In The Slammer For cooking A Rat

Celebrity Winner Faces Rat Killing Charge

I can't believe that you can face 3 years in prison for killing a rat

mothyspace what's wrong with you Aussies?

You now crap at sports & threatening to locking people for cooking up rissoto

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