Cambodian Gov't Hinders Protection of Giant Catfish

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Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 7 weeks
Posted on: January 5, 2010 - 12:53am

My four year old found a video about the Cambodian Giant Catfish.

The video provides a brief overview of the activities and exploits of a man interested in keeping the Giant Catfish from going exstinct.  Let us presume for a moment that the man has, as his funding source, only acquired voluntary donations.  I doubt this highly, and the video does state that the man is now working with the Cambodian gov't.

However, the video details how the man was paying fishermen for the Giant Catfish that they caught, and he would treat their wonds and illness and then release them back into the Mekong River, or one of it's tributaries, so that the fish could continue on it's way to the spawning ground, way up in Northern Thailand, near the border of China.  But, of course, the Cambodian Government put a stop to his practice, saying it was providing an incentive for people to catch the fish in question. 

Well, of course, now it is illegal to catch the Giant Catfish, and but people are still catching it, and the dude is weighing the ones that are brought to him, and tagging them.  But how many of the really big catfish are being killed and grilled, instead of tagged and studied?  It is sad to say that the numbers of these remarkable fish that are caught, to dwindle, and understanding of their habits, habitat, and lifestyle are still largely not understood.

The ban on catching this creature has been, according to the wikipedia article referenced above, been umsuccessful in stemming the decline of fish stocks.  Gee, what a surprise!

Here is the link to the video.