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Mr. Charlton Heston Passes Away at Age 84
Mr. Heston was a tireless defender of limited government and the right to keep and bear arms.
He was a learned and erudite man who showed great kindness to others.
While he may not have gone as far as many fellow Conspirators in dismantling the state, he was a great ally, and a truly good man.
Here are two stories published about his passing, one from the AP (note the left-wing bias), and the other a message from his family.
First, the Heston family message:
Then, the AP:
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible (Four Pack DVD) |
In the "No Kidding, Where Have You Reporters Been?" Category:
Gee, corn-based Ethanol takes more energy to produce and ship than it offers?
Not as if free market economists missed that. Just read Gardner Goldsmith's book, "Live Free or Die" and you'll see they've been talking and writing about it for a loooooong, looooong time. But that's okay, President Elect McCain would like the federal gubment to divert more of our productive economy into this boondoggle.
Good Overview on Iraq, Sunni-Shiite, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Kurd Situation
If you would like a very good primer on the mid-east vectors, visit this link: