
A Few Good Opinions as to Why One Should Not Vote

Take a look, see what you think. Gardner Goldsmith will be broadcasting about this subject over the weekend! He'd enjoy reading your thoughts on the air. Write to him at libertyconspiracy@yahoo.com!

Opinion Numero Uno: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/shaffer1.html

Opinion Dos (sorry for the use of Espanol, Neocons): http://mises.org/story/1224 On the economics of voting versus free market economics.

Be Seeing you!

Feds Take Over Two more Banks, with 28 Branches, to Hand Them over to Private Interests Later -- More Corruption in Gubment --

Get ready for another Bear-Stearns-like bailout. In this case, two more banks fail, the feds move in, "take over" and prepare to re-sell them to other private interests after the gubment pays off bad debt with YOUR money. Question: If these banks are good to sell, and good to buy, why get the government involved? The buys would just go through if the banks were good investments. The reason they aren't good sale prospects is shown to us, BECAUSE the gubment stepped in. Here is the piece:


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