Miss Liberty's Guide to Film and Video: Movies for the Libertarian Millennium

cover of Miss Liberty's Guide to Film and Video: Movies for the Libertarian Millenniumasin: 0970962509
binding: Paperback
list price: $17.95 USD
amazon price: $17.95

This unparalleled reference is the first guide ever to libertarian-themed films. It contains over 250 reviews of films touching upon subjects such as free speech, the draft, drug laws, taxation, regulation, sexual liberty, immigration, and many more.

These insightful film selections, accumulated through exhaustive research, are:

*A handy source of recommended outreach material for libertarian activists
*A fun way for newcomers to libertarianism to become familiar with freedom-oriented ideas
*A source of inspiration and pleasure for anyone interested in liberty.

This book is a must-read and an important reference for all liberty-loving people.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 49 weeks ago.
Number 1843
Conspirator for: 10 years 2 days
Posted on: March 30, 2015 - 7:48am #1

It was identify "The Searchers" and was watchful one of the greatest Western films ever made.moviejackets