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Geithner "Open" to Expansion of IMF Currency As World Reserve, Dollar Would Be Subservient to IMF Valuation
Sure seems like we're hitting the "economics/federal" tags a lot here...
Take a gander. Some of the statists who believe in central banking are trying to claim that this is not a supplantation of the US Dollar. What they don't tell you is that the inflationary spiral created by the fed and federal government policies over decades is so bad, international banking interests from China to Russia and elsewhere are eager to dislodge the Dollar from its position as the currency standard to which other currencies try to fix their prices. The IMF Special Drawing Right Currency system will replace the Dollar. What's the Special Drawing Right system? Well, it aint got nothin' to do with Walt Disney or the Happy Painter from PBS, not even Thomas Kincaid, and his "lights"! What happens is that the IMF acts like a central bank for member nations, who can get what are called "assets" in their drawing rights, but which are really just invented monetary mixtures of national currencies. It's a ponzi scheme whereby the IMF earns interest off member nations, and the people who run the IMF make a lot of money out of nothing. Now, the mix will change, with more IMF content, and less Dollar content in the valuation of the SDR value.
The Dollar (which now is really a Federal Reserve Note) is going down for the count, kids. Get ready.
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And carefully read this "explanatory" article from the IMF: