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British Proposal to Tax the Net Worth of So-Called Rich
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British Proposal to Tax the Net Worth of So-Called Rich
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Dude, it ain't going to happen the Tories generally represent the interests the wealthy & they're the dominant party in the government
coalition. the dynamic which you might not get in the US is that there's pressure on Clegg from the Liberal Democrat party to deliver more 'liberal' type polices being as the Lib Dems haven't got a great deal out of being in coalition government with the Tories.
Basically the purpose of Clegg's speech was reminding people he's a Lib Dem not a Tory & that's all.
The tax code needs a complete overhaul, spending needs to be cut, revenue needs to rise. There are ways to do this without gutting necessary social progams. For example, special interest loopholes for individuals, and corporations in the tax code need to go. Defense and homeland security need a complete overhaul. Redundant and outdated programs in both defense, and homeland security need to be eliminated, especially overpaid private contractors in the intelligence gathering sectors that collect the same information. Health care costs need to be brought under control and no credit check lenders shouldn't be necessary to apply in order to pay for health care.