Dolphins Propose No Swim Zone for Nutria in Exchange For Citizenship: An Interspecies Defense Pact

The Dalai Lama (L) and Steven Seagal (R)


I've had an illuminating evening.  I've gone all over town with my children by myself (three different stores with some amazingly great kids who handled the excursion amazingly well).  We all work together to get what we want.  We even offered gold as payment (see interactive map)

So I come home and warm up some leftovers for our evening meal, and put on a streaming movie from Netflix.  The movie is Oceans.  It's distributed by Disney Nature; and I dislike the way The Disney Corporation has manipulated the law of the land in which I live to extend certain copyrights it has in it's portfolio.

However, I, generally speaking, think that their products are of some value.  My daughters are all looking forward to our visit in Disney's Theme Park in Anaheim, California.  I will be engaging in market activities and plan to investigate a homeless encampment near said theme park's entrance.

Oceans is a documentary that is broad in nature.  It briefly exposed transgressions of humans on the property rights of those inhabiting the oceans.

In prepapation for my impending trip to DisneyLandtrip I contacted a friend with whom I collaborated with musically may years ago,   He's from Reading, Vermont and goes by the name St5v5 (prounounced: faɪv).  I first met St5v5 when I first moved to New Hampshire (where I lived from 1995 to 2001).  He now lives in the Los Angeles area (which is equivalent to a marathon away from where I will be stating in Anaheim, California).  The trip to his home will take me almost two hours by car from DisneyLand in California.

I was checking out St5v5's website.  He is an improvisational guitarist, and has ammassed quite a a catalogue of music to which you can listen.  Previously in the day I engaged in a discussion with my co-worker who is taking a class in budhism.  She is looking for music to meditate to.  I listened to the album The Naturalization of the Cetacean Nation with this in mind.  5-track collaborated with a band called Abalone Sandwich to create the album.

I was listening to this, while chatting with MothySpace on facebook about the Zero Agression Principle, and all that is good in the world.  While I was so doing, I was also reading on my St5v5's website.  The fourth track on the album is called: The Neutralization Of The Nutria Nation.  The page on St5v5's website says this:

"An agreement is reached between the First Musicians' Human Consulate and the representatives of the Cetacean Nation. The humans will keep their ocean vessels and trade routes away from the cetacean breeding grounds and sacred sites, and the human armed forces will stop their petty sniping and use their energy and manpower to clean up the oceans. The Cetaceans will get rid of the nutria."

This appears to be a text to a improvised Sea Opera where Dolphins, in order to be considered Sapient Beings, try and reach a treaty with human kind through the sonically in tune First Musicians' Human Consolate, who have discerned their message.

This seems to me a bit troubling.  It looks as if the individuals calling themselves the Cetacean Nation (dolphins and porpoises) moving to appease men that are infringing upon the marine mamal's inalienable rights as sapeint and sovereign individuals.  They dolphins have observed that Nutria (a.k.a. Coypu) seem to bother many humans being.  The Cetacean Nation proposes to prosecute a genocide upon the Nutria in exchange for men cleaning up all the refuse on Cetacean territory, which is killing marine mamals and other entities in their oceans.

Well this really blew my mind, because when I read the article for Nutria on WikiPedia it referenced Steven Segal, the actor, who was recently mentioned in this Liberty Conspiracy forum post.

Here is what the wikipedia article quotes Steven Segal as saying:

"Nutria and the damage they cause, in particular the damage to the levees before Hurricane Katrina, were featured in a first season episode of the A&E Television series, Steven Seagal: Lawman. Some were shot by police officers and the dead animals were fed to alligators. Seagal, who is a practising Buddhist, says he is opposed to personally harming another creature without cause and did not actually shoot them. However, he said that he was happy that the food chain was being respected."

I wonder if Mr. Seagal has thought about the nature of the Law.  Does he grok about how law can only be discovered, not legislated?  Does he think about the personal harm he causes when he rides on a tank to a person's house who's only crime is apparently raising chickens?  Mr. Seagal.  I hope you read this, and think about the consequences of your actions in Arizona.

I've recommended this music to my friend who needs to meditate.  I suspect we all could use a little more contemplation in our lives.

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