Bernanke Admits - "DUH, I Might've Been Wrong About That 'It's Sector-Specific' Thing"

Remember when Gard and others on his show were talking about how daft if was for Bernanke to be saying that the "financial crisis was isolated only to the housing markets"? Remember how that might have inspired you to think that Bernanke was a dangerous man in a dangerous position?

Yep. You were right.

NOW Benny is saying he might've been wrong. Duh.

ALSO, it looks like Bill "I-THOUGHT-I-was-recruited-to-play-pro-baseball" Richardson is going to be the next Commerce Secretary. That might indicate a more open policy towards immigration, and towards trade with Mexico. It will also mean more regulations on US companies, and pressure for even higher minimum wage laws, plus a lot of pro-union nonsense.

Here's da link!