CABAL BLOG! Number 11057395339458.18! -- Antitrust Laws and the Cost of Healthcare

Antitrust laws, like nearly all government action, create the opposite effect of what their proponents claim will happen. Antitrust laws over the decades have made healthcare more expensive and less available. Antitrust laws are so convoluted and asinine (as well as unconstitutional) that one can be convicted for pricing a product too high (price gouging), too low (predatory pricing) and the same as others in the marketplace (collusion). In fact, those involved with healthcare now risk prosecution if they attempt to lower healthcare costs as demanded by non-president Obama two weeks ago. (He is one to talk about controlling costs!)

Check this out:

Also, with Social Security and Medicare facing imminent insolvency (and much sooner than planned, at that) and the horrific track record of government run healthcare at the VA and in other countries, why the heck is the federal government obsessed with taking over private healthcare at any cost? Is it a plan to meet entitlement obligations through population reduction? 

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Alex John
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