US Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Protests at Military Funerals on Gubment Land

As offensive as some people might think certain kinds of protests are, it seems that people like Justice Roberts recognize that the protests are occurring on federally owned and run property, and, therefore, the US gubment cannot abridge the freedom of speech there. The answer, for all the people who might be offended by one kind of protest or another, is to ELIMINATE as many federally run parcels of land as possible, and have your FUNERALS ON PRIVATE LAND. Um, duh?


If a person is having his tax money taken from him to fund a cemetery, then it might be incumbent on the thieves who take the money in order to run the land to acknowledge that the taxpayer has the right to speak out about it. Again, duh?


What that taxpayer says might be offensive, but he's being robbed, so he should be able to say whatever he wants. The way to avoide the problem of the offensive language is to END THE THEFT.


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