Blow off some Steam

Crap from the center 4 american "progress"

I read a few lines of this, and my bloodpressure went up til I was seeing spots!  People purpetrating ignorance with graphs to try and make it look like it's alright to redistribute the fruits of the labor of others!  Absolutely infuriating!


Out back of my apartment this morning

I'm from the Southern Hemisphere I'm not use to this crap

Thank goodness I return there in a couple of weeks

Am I the only one dealing with the Inaguaration Day nonsense/hysteria nonsense

I work in an office full of Architects as there IT Manager.  The Majority of them are Obama fans and this being inauguration day I can barely work.  There all so excited for the CHANGE that will be coming.  Why are people so easily fooled by all of this!!!  I don't know whether to CRY or SCREAM!!!  Maybe I should just do both.

Somebody brought in bagels even and is calling them Freedom Bagels.............Arrrggg......Freedom from What?  T'here all pissed at me because I won't eat any now.......but I was very polite about it.  I think that even pisses them off more........

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