Podcast or Website Problems?

The Vault?

I looked everywhere, but I can't seem to find "the vault".  What up yo?

Itunes Subscribers Have Written - A week's Worth of Productions NOT At Itunes?

I've heard from a number of subscribers (and some contributors at the CABAL) that they haven't seen any Itunes pods for a week! Anyone else have this happen to them? Please let me know if you HAVE or HAVEN'T gotten any in the past week. Something strange is going on, and i haven't touched a thing at Itunes, so I'll have to contact Podomatic about it!

Subscribers, I hope you aren't too vexed by the situation!


Website Audio Player

Is anyone else experiencing a failure of the audio player on the Liberty Conspiracy homepage?

I have tried playing the audio in both of my browsers, which are Opera, and IE explorer.

Is this just me?

Prevented from posting

Did anyone else find themselves locked out of the forums, recently?

When I tried to post, I found myself being told that because the 'captia' thing was turned off, the site security wouldn't let me post.

Seems fixed now, though. So, I'm baaaaaaaaak!!! :)

Should Links open in new window

Dear Seth and others contributing to the usability of the Liberty Conspiracy web site:

I think it would be useful if links in the forum and other places opened in a new window/tab.

This would facilitate people going to the linked content, and having an easier time commenting on the linked content over here at the Liberty Conspiracy forums.  I don't know if this is something that is feasable, and I appreaciate all that you all do to keep this site so vibrant and attractive.  Just an idea/suggestion.  You all are way better at webdesign than I am.

Is your font set correctly in the signwriter profile?

I see this message on every page I visit on libertyconspiracy.com .  How am I to know?  This is a kind of annoying query.  I don't know anything about setting fonts, and I don't know what a signwriter profile is.  Please advise.

images on Cabal Blog

I tried to link an image that I have, which shows my massive hoard of gold and silver (from a few years ago).  It doesn't load.


The link has now been updated to the correct webpage.

Due to the computer problems with which our intrepid host is dealing, I have created this podcast for your consideration and amusement.  It is my first attempt at creating anything like this.  I hope that it meets with your approval.

Here is the link


Be seeing you,



making freedom a best seller

audio not loading on website.

It is 11:39pm (GMT- 7 hours) and the audio portion of the web site is not loading.  Thought you would like to know.

Download Speed

Anybody else have a hard time downloading the podcasts?  I subscribe through iTunes, and for some reason the LC podcasts take forever to download, with multiple starts and stops.  All the other podcasts I listen to download quickly, with no problem.


Volume Compression of Podcasts

Hey Gard,

Love the podcasts, keep 'em coming. Just one thing: When you're talking the volume level is much higher than when you're playing other clips. Just a minor annoyance, except when you switch back and forth quickly between the two. Then it causes pain. I keep my hand on the dial so that my girlfriend won't dump me.

Peace and Liberty,


Hard Days Night

From the 13 February 2009 podcast.  That was BY FAR the WORST song I HAVE EVER HEARD.  This is worse than many of the terrible songs that I have written, which is saying a LOT.  UGGG!  I almost couldn't bear it, but mananged in my deranged lunacy, to listen to the whole song, before the actual content of the cast.  UGGG!

error message from "discuss this" link

Dear Tech Guru of Liberty Conspiracy:

I was reading the latest news here on the Liberty Conspiracy web site and wanted todiscuss the news article about Judd Gregg bowing out of his Obama appointment.  This was at the following URL:


I followed the "discuss this" link which points to http://www.libertyconspiracy.com/node/2409

I got this message:

"Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page."

Did I do something incorrectly that caused this to happen?



Duplicate Podcast?

I've been getting the podcast in duplicate in my iTunes app. Perhaps I should cancel subscription to one of them, but which??



New Forum!

Welcome to the new forum, for all conspirators!

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