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Zune Podcast
I've been having a lot of difficulty trying to listen to your podcast on my zune (yes I know I should have bought an ipod instead, but I didn't so too bad for me). Keep in mind I am not as technically savvy as I'd like to be, but it seems like the only way for me to listen to your show on my zune is to download it via Itunes(which I downloaded for your show specifically), then open the zune software and it finds the podcasts automatically. The problem I'm having is that my computer isn't capable of running both programs very well so it takes it way too long to perform this task. Also my player says that your show is loaded onto it and for example is 52 min., but I try and listen to it and the file ends up being something like 7 min. and it cuts you off and drives me nuts.
I really enjoy your show, and I would be willing to become a supporting member to the tune of $5 per month if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you to make the show more easily accessible to me on my zune.
Or just let me know if I'm just dumb and can't figure out the right way to do things.
Thanks I look forward to meeting you in March at the liberty forum.
I don't have a IPod or Zune but I did find this from the Zune's website.
Maybe using the zune software will help.
Maybe I just can't find it in the marketplace. I've searched a couple of times before and again just now... Nothing comes up when I search Liberty Conspiracy or Gardner Goldsmith.
I subscribe to 9 or 10 podcasts on the zune software but the Liberty Conspiracy is the only one that I have to use iTunes for.
If anyone has been able to find it in the zune software, please let me know.
Liberty Conspiracy might not be in the Zune Marketplace. So from the article I posted they have this
To subscribe to a podcast series that is not listed in the Zune Marketplace, follow these steps:
The url for the podcast is
Let me know if that works for ya.
Awesome! This is so much easier. Thanks for the help Lumet.
Cool. Happy it worked out for ya. Now about that 5 bucks... :)
Cool. Happy it worked out for ya. Now about that 5 bucks... :)
Consider it done.
HA Zunes SUCK they all die at once. If ONLY politicians were like that too! Hmm...
Yea, on New Years all of the one gen had the Y2K9 bug and they all died for a day.