General Talk

Assisted Suicide

Man jailed over dad's suicide gun

I don't believe the man in question should of been jailed

Libertarians usually automatically say that assisted suicide should be legal

However I think that assisted suicide isn't as black & white as some make out

I've left a rant on the liberty line on this ttopic which Gard might post up

Spreading the idea of liberty and anarchist concepts...

Although this is my first contribution to the Liberty Conspiracy website, in the year that I've been a member, trust me when I say I'm constantly out there spreading the good word.  

With that said, I'd like to share something wonderful that happened at work today.  I'm a self employed contractor who works with my father.  We both listen to conservative talk radio (99.7 WNTK) all day long.  Those hypocritical talking points (along with FOX News channel) are my dad's only basis of political knowledge.  

Duck and Cover for the post Columbine/VT world.

I wish this wasn't an actual story but schools are now having shooting drills.

Ziggy Explaining Geolibertarianism Whilst Stoned

I just typed 'geolibertarianism' into YouTube & I found near the top of the list somebody had posted my own explanation on Free Talk Live when I was stoned.

It's amazing to find that people value what I say even if I'm stoned.


Libertarian Scrutiny Needed

Okay I should have entitled this email 'Libertarian Assistance Required' if I'm to be honest as I do require some assistance from libertarian minded folk concerning the blog I now seemed to of settled writing for that being The Bastard.

re: 8/31/2009 response to statist health care

Man, I think Marc forgot to mention the fact that every single person in the employ of the government draws a salary from the government.  THESE are the people making the "profit" from coercive taxation.  There is no such thing as a non-profit entity, unless all forgo a salary.

What's so great about the Marine at the town hall meeting in WA?

I agreed with everything that Marine said to the Representative.  However, before we start building the guy a monument, we should look a little closer.  He made a big deal about his oath to the Constitution.  I am willing to bet the guy was in Iraq or Afghanistan.  (He said he was disabled).  If he was, then he wasn't obeying his oath.  Neither war was declared and are therefore unconstitutional.  Even if they were declared, neither "country" pose(d) any threat to the U.S.  Any member of the military who refused to go on those grounds alone, would, in my mind be justified.

MEP Daniel Hannan's Libertarian Plan For Britain

Not sure the British people are going to go for any grand plan Daniel has

Secondly I've not bought into Daniel Hannan as I've as yet not heard him say where he stands on legalizing pot


On Sept. 12th 2009 there is going to be a Tea Party march and rally in Washington DC.  It seems to be a very organized event and I hoping there will be a huge turnout.  Check out the details @  There is alot of information here on hotels and events schedualed the couple of days leading up to the event.  They basically have it set up so that you get a whole package or just show up!  I hope to see many of you there...

p.s. Gard could you possibly mention the march on the show.  I think it would help alot..

The Road

Dude... that shit was raw dog!  Bwaow!

John Pilger On Obama

Okay John Pilger is a Marxist & I'm not fond of Marxists but its not like Marxists are wrong about everything & full of utter bollocks. To his credit Pilger since the days of the Vietnam War has been staunchly anti imperialism & in opposition to military invention.

Well here's a video of a recent speech Pilger gave on President Obama where he some pretty savage observations & I think whether tyour a libertarian or Marxist you might find yourself in agreement.

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