O Administration Admits to Drone-Strike Murders of Americans - Will Continue, Along with Murders of Foreigners

Notice how the NYT dances around this. First of all, the Administration ALREADY admitted to assassinating Americans in 2011 when Hillary Clinton proudly announced that US citizen Anwar al Awlaki and his son were killed in the fall of 2011. Second, you will see how the NYT toes the line for the Administration by mentioning how the Admin is releasing its "rules" for assassinating people.

There are no such rules in the US Constitution. There is either a Declaration of War, made by Congress, or Congress issues Letters of Marque and Reprisal. Simple. Did the NYT mention that? No. In fact, the paper goes out of its way to try to absolve the O Admin for its killings by pretending that there is "War" in Afghanistan and Iraq. No War has been declared. As a result, the distinction the paper tries to draw between areas of "war" and "non-war" is a false one. THEY ARE ALL AREAS OF ILLEGAL MILITARY OPERATIONS, ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF THE US CONSTITUTION. They are all areas of non-war!

It doesn't take much to figure this out. This is not a "bold move towards openness". It is a flagrant admission that the Administration kills without trial and that it claims the power to continue doing so. Just this should be enough to impeach any President and recall any Congressman or Senator who supports it.


Be Seeing You!