Houston Stops Couple's Charitable Feeding of Poor

Yeah, there's nothing like encountering another story about how gubment blocks charitable, voluntary interaction.

We all know the old argument. "Ahh," say the bureaucrats and politicians. "But you see, the homeless aren't 'protected' from being fed food prepared by 'licensed' food preparers."

"Why don't you leave to their own devices the poor people who want help?" you might ask.

"Oh, no! We can't do that! People in need who are offered help are incapable of deciding for themselves, and we just can't trust free people to make safe food, either."

"So you're saying that individuals are too daft to make their own decisions about the relative risks and benefits involved with an action?"

"Yep," say the gubment folks.

"Then, how can you people know either? Especially since you're deciding for OTHERS?"

"Oh, well, see, that's different. We're government. We, uh... We're government."

"Thanks, that clears it up. Take the cheeseburger outta that homeless guy's mouth, will ya? It's an unlicensed burger and he doesn't know better. Even though word would get around if one person DID get ill, and people would be much more cautious, and the restaurateurs would get bad reputations beyond the homeless circles, we need bureaucrats to force people to PAY for a license to prepare the food which other people voluntarily eat. Now I understand!"



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