A Good Piece by Davy Crockett on the Immorality and Unconstitutional Nature of Federal Disaster "Aid"


Here is a good piece written by Davy Crockett, explaining the anti-constitutional features of all federal "disaster relief" disbursements/aid/activity. This is an emotional issue for many, because real lives are being harmed when natural di

sasters strike. However, without an amendment to the US Constitution, this form of aid cannot be offered. And even if it were to be offered, it comes from many people against their wills, even from people not yet born -- how does that equate to anyone "caring" or to people being part of a great "experiment in democracy"? How is it the "will of the people" unless individual people are allowed to decide for themselves how they will help their neighbors and to what extent? http://www.fee.org/library/not-yours-to-give-2/
Be Seeing You!