Gard Going National Again, On Dec 24

Gardner Goldsmith will be hosting the Todd Feinburg Show on Sunday, December 24, beginning at 1 pm.

Heard throughout the US, the program will be carried in the New England area in VT, Maine, and Boston (WRKO, 680 AM).

Head to to see more details about Todd's show. On Sunday, Gard will debate minimum wage with a leftie, discuss Christ with an atheist, and open the lines for you to blow off some steam!

Have a happy Christmas!

User offline. Last seen 8 years 7 weeks ago.
Number 2064
Conspirator for: 8 years 25 weeks
Posted on: September 15, 2016 - 11:15pm #1

It was an interesting show. Many have been waiting for it. - Dennis Wong YOR Health