X on Ernest Hancock's "Declare Your Independence"

User offline. Last seen 12 years 5 weeks ago.
Jackie Fiest
Number 727
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Conspirator for: 13 years 34 weeks
Posted on: November 20, 2010 - 8:04am

Mornin' all.

I woke up this morning and found this in my mailbox. :)


Ernie is a good guy. He was on The Tiny Political Show a bit once it became a round table format. I haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but I'll finish it up during breakfast. Feel free to post any comments as I'm sure I'll have some.


Jackie Fiest

User offline. Last seen 12 years 5 weeks ago.
Jackie Fiest
Number 727
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Conspirator for: 13 years 34 weeks
Posted on: November 20, 2010 - 6:49pm #1

I'm probaby alone on this, but I wish people would not bring up Kane everytime Glenn is on.

I've read about, or been listening, when Glenn was on a political program and announced as Kane, and there is always one of "those" callers. Once, I read about a program he was on where someone called in and asked if Kane and The Undertaker were really brothers. I was like, "Wow." Then, Glenn made an appearance on Free Talk Live to discuss a murder/suicide involving another wrestler and someone called in and said something like, "It was like I was telling my son, it's like the fighting they do in old west movies. Breaking fake bottles over each others head..." Again, it had nothing to do with the situation at hand. IMO let's bring back LiveWire if people want to talk to Kane. Don't get me wrong, I'm a long time WWE fan and I can prolly name every notable moment Glenn has ever had in WWE from DDS to the Kanearoonie, but I don't bring these up here, and I don't mention him as a libertarian at the official Smackdown forums, either. It's been my expierence that the two audiences, for the most part, don't mix well.

Either way, the show was great. Ernie's energy is infectous.