Why does anybody need government permission to adapt their body?

User offline. Last seen 12 years 2 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 16 weeks
Posted on: September 28, 2010 - 10:40am

Its not so much government but the attitude of people around me towards government which is currently pissing me off.


I'm finally dealing with the fact I've gender dysphoria & yet those around me are dubious about me doing so because I've not sought guidance from some government sanctioned shrink.


Its almost as if people think you need to seek government permission & then have government sanctioned guidance if you want to adapt your body etc.


By me altering my body i'm not hindering anybody from getting on with their day to day business & yet people seem to think I should be under some government sanctioned care.


I'm not against government being there to help the most needy but I'm not the most needy, in fact the reason I'm doing this on my own finiaces & in my own time, mainly so i don't burden the already over burdened universal healthcare system.


Funny enough I did tell Gard a story about a shrink in the private sector who specialised in helping those with gender dysphoria & yet though he helped thousands of people he got screwed by those who were envious & weirdly happen to work in the NHS treating transsexuals. maybe one day Gard & I will do a podcast where I can tell the story in full.


Another reason I'd not seek treatment via the NHS is that its totally inflexable towards the particulars of any one individual & well in the incidence of treating folk with gender dysphoria one size fits all really doesn't work.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 6 weeks ago.
Jackie Fiest
Number 727
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Conspirator for: 13 years 34 weeks
Posted on: September 28, 2010 - 10:32pm #1

The government likes to tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies,


Look at it here in the US.

Selling is legal. Sex is legal. Selling sex is illegal. WTF?


Jackie Fiest

User offline. Last seen 12 years 3 weeks ago.
Number 632
Conspirator for: 14 years 29 weeks
Posted on: September 29, 2010 - 1:04am #2

Ziggy, is it the "You paid for it so you should use it" attitude, the "Its being provided to you so you should use it" attitude, or the "Gov't is responsible for taking care of its citizens" line?

Its not really that surprising that NHS docs would pursue a private sector therapist.  He makes them look bad and ineffective, and you can't have government programs that look bad and ineffective.

Personally I'm clueless on gender dysphoria and its treatment methods.  Does the treatment typically end in surgery, meds, therapy, or what?