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Whoa! Assange is laying the smack down on the world govts.
Apparently he has some pretty heavy stuff he hasn't dropped yet. He sayshe'll drop some "insurance files" if the world doesn't stop trying to pull his site down.
Jackie Fiest
What do you think of these stories that Assange's so-called "poison pill", to be released if he is captured or killed, includes information about companies and areas connected to "strategic" emergency infrastructure systems like blood supplies and research facilities?
As we know, many crtics will claim that this will pu tinnocent people at risk as targets of terrorists. I have to read more to see if this is really what's going on.
I think that the government WAY overblew the impact of the first set of leaks, so I'm really not inclined to believe them as far as this situation.
Now, if a more legitimate source says there is a risk of death or damage to anyones property, and when I say damage I mean as little as a broken window on someone's home, then I would suggest he's in the wrong. But, to this point, Assange has been careful about this. He showed the state dept what he was going to show, giving them the opportunity to remove any information that could cost lives, and they declined to go through it. If it really is about transparency in government, then hopefully that will continue.