Whatever Happened To David Shayler?

User offline. Last seen 12 years 3 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 18 weeks
Posted on: July 29, 2009 - 2:30pm

What ever happened to the former MI5 officer who exposed the British security services for being a bunch on currupt pricks & who went to prison for doing so.

Well according to reports he's living in a squat, dressing as a woman & railing against the 'Zionist empire'.

If it weren't them living in squat I'd think they were talking about my editor at The Bastard whose dresses as a woman & continuously rants about Zionist conspiracies. In fact from the picture of David Shayler I've seen I reckon Shovel could get a few beauty tips from Shayler.

In fact I've barred me from the time being from posting anything about this story but all I'd say is I don't have a problem with them dressing as a woman

As he says himself "I don't give a fuck what other people think of me. A bloke in a frock is whole lot less offensive than blowing up innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Some might claim Shayler's fanatic support Middlesbrough FC is disturbing & particularly his claim that his channelling of "unconditional love" propelled his side into the 2006 Uefa Cup Final.

Nah you ain't disturbed if you support Middlesbrough FC you're just sad.

But oh dear Shayler's definitely had a mental breakdown if they've got a liking for David Icke & his nutty bullshit.

Too be fair not all anti Zionists are anti Semites but Icke definitely is making all that basically making out that we are all ruled by ten foot lizards & strangely enough all those Icke accuses of being ten foot lizards happen to be...drum role...Jewish.

Now okay Shayler might not believe in the ten foot lizard bullshit & there's more to David Icke's nuttiness as there is with the whole so called 'truth' movement particularly when it comes to Jews.

The most generic anti Zionist theory is that the Jews control the world economy....if that the case why is I've barely got a pot to piss in being as I'm of Jewish descent? If I thought it were true (I definitely don't!) I'd be a severely pissed off being as supposedly I'm meant to be one of the chosen yet I'm not been fucking chosen

In fact the whole 'truth' movement isn't anything about truth but about deflecting responsibility. Yeah you typical 'truther' is some fucked up trailer trash who won't take responsibility for why they're such a loser but blame everybody else by inventing conspiracy theories. Oh & of course Jews & Liberals are the minorities to blame because either they're rich or in charge maybe because they've worked hard but no according to David Icke it's because they're ten foot lizards who have super powers & no trailer trash fuck up is ever going to be able to defeat a ten foot lizard with superpowers.

I'm not sure if Alex Jones believes in the ten foot lizard theory but he believes that the Jews control the world economy. For those who don't know Alex Jones is a US talk radio host who's a redneck bigoted ignoramus asshole who unofficially heads up the so called 'truth' movement. So one should expect David Shayler to be making an appearance on Jones's radio show....actually probably not Jones might be a kook spouting the same bullshit as Shayler but Jones is a bigot or shall I say a little insecure about people who aren't meat eating heterosexuals & Shayler is a tarty transvestite.

Have to say in conclusion that this story does not do any favours for transgender peeps, its yet another story of a bloke in a frock who's totally nuts. I realise its not because he's a transvestite that he's spouting the nutty shite that he is but others won't see it like that.

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