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In the wake of the Japanese Tsunami am I the only one to notice?
Am I the only one who’s noticed that recently there’s been a higher then average amount of earthquakes around world?
I don’t want to get all conspiratorial but I can’t help thinking that maybe not all is right with the earth’s crust & that authorities aren’t telling us.
Expanding upon my thoughts
Wow! Would you be willing to explain why the NH activists make you so angry?
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."
Frank Zappa
Here is a brilliant map showing all the catastrophic natural/environmental disasters in the world. And yes, I have noticed that there has been a tremendous amount of seismic activity lately, even Mt. St. Helens has recently erupted, although it hasn't been like it was in 1980.
Here's the map: http://➡.ws/quake
The anti Nuclear Energy movement has certainly noticed. Left wing websites and tv programs have gone ape reporting the seismic activity. Most particularly Australia's #ABC1 news programs.
I still support Nuclear power. Was in touch with an expert in the field last night and they reckon its a shame that its being spun this way. There are other areas in the world that are more geologically sound than Japan that could support Nuclear Energy.
I used to be the man. Until I decided to stick it to myself - mothyspace
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. – Edward R. Murrow
This has really changed my thinking about nuke power. I was under the impression that safer plants all had multiple redundant systems that allowed neutralization rods to be mechanically dropped into place to halt the fission if anything goes wrong. Apparently that must not be the case. Apparently when the plant is up and running either it maintains electrical power and the cooling systems keep funtioning, or the resulting heat and it's complications end up causing a melt down or partial melt-down. That's the choices? I can't believe there isn't a better way to engineer these things.
I honestly can't say that I've noticed an increase. Is it possible that there isn't an increase in earthquakes, only the reporting of them? There were another 2 earthquakes today (one in Greece and the other in Poland). They were really minor, but would such things have gotten reported and recorded even 50 years ago?
As far as I'm concerned nuclear power is stupid full stop
but its really stupid to build 50 plus reactors upon the island which is most prone to earthquakes
Here's what I'm starting to wonder. What are the possibilites outside a government regulatory framework, where everyone assumes wrongly that safety issues are looked after and taken care of? What if there were actual accountability instead of psuedo-accountability?
It seems to me like there could be a great potential for very small scale nukes at the subdivision or even homeowner scale, especially in rural areas. As long as it is a unit which is modular and can accomplish complete containment regardless of malfunction. If the thing malfunctions, the manufacturer simply shows up with a low boy and a crane, loads it up and drops off a new one. There would be accidents and leakage in the case of tornadoes and such, but it would not be devastating and it would be insured for. I worry more about having society centrally planned on a single government regulated power grid than the contamination that would occur occasionally from small scale reactors. Imagine the autonomy and lack of controlability when you cannot lay your hand upon the needs of the people by controlling their life's blood from a central location. SOP for American invasions is to launch carbon fibers into a nations power grid to short it out. If power was generated in a diffuse manner it would be much more difficult to hold command of people or invade a free area.